Reaper's Claim: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 1 Read online

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  Going from living by myself to living with my brother and ex-girlfriend is going to be a bit of a shock to the system, but hell, I was going to give it a go. “Kade doesn’t have anywhere else to go, and when it comes down to it, the house is half his.”

  “Was he already staying here when you asked me to move in?”

  “Does it matter?”

  She shrugged her shoulders, but it was the hidden anger in her eyes that told me she wasn’t telling me the full story, or at least leaving something out. “Depends if he is always going to be so snippy.”

  “Yeah, sorry about the comment earlier, Kade just, well…” I scratched the back of my neck. “Kade doesn’t really respect women, so don’t take it personally. You all are just property to him, or a means to an end, ya know?”

  “Oh, I know.” There was bitterness in her tone and frustrated, she ran her fingers through her hair, playing with it. It was a habit of hers when she was frustrated. It took me a solid few months to pick up on that one. “So I guess I’ll just have to get used to his rudeness.”

  “I’m sure you can give it back to him, Abby.”

  She scoffed. “Doubtful.”

  I poked her with the spanner I held. “Come on Ab, we both know your inner bitch is itching to give him a service.”

  “He isn’t worth it.” She leaned back against the bonnet, crossing her arms. “So are you going to help me move my stuff over later?”

  “Have you told your aunt that you’re leaving?”

  A grin spread across her lips. “Maybe.”

  “You haven’t, have you?”

  “Well, I’m sure once I start moving my stuff out, she will get the idea.” Abby scooped up her book. “Now get your butt into gear and come help me escape from hell.”

  “Such a drama queen.”

  “Says the slut,” she teased and poked out her tongue.

  I watched her walk away and still couldn’t figure out how things were going so well between us after everything.

  Still wasn’t going to question it. Having her around made my life a happier one.


  “Come on brother, I need help.” I knocked on Kade’s door before opening it. I wasn’t even half surprised seeing him lying on the bed, smoking something I knew wasn’t a cigarette.

  “What with?” he blew a mouth full of smoke out.

  “Abby’s bed.”


  “No, you’re not. Come on, I’ve got a Ute full of her crap I have to bring in.”

  “I said I’m busy.”

  I picked up the first thing my hand landed on, which happened to be some old-fashioned vase thing, and threw it at him. I smirked when it hit his stomach. “Get up, you lazy shit.”

  “I’m not lifting a fucking finger for that bitch,” Kade grumbled, pulling himself up from the bed before throwing the vase back at me, which hit the wall and smashed into pieces.

  “Tone down the aggression, will ya?” I closed the door behind me. Abby didn’t like Kade as it was and didn’t need her hearing more shit coming out from his mouth. “Who peed in your beer, bro? Can’t think of another reason for you to be so pissed off.”

  “Fuck off, Drake.”

  “Can’t… need ya help.”

  He gritted his teeth and gave me the ‘Reaper’ look. Which was my brother’s ‘fuck you’ glare.

  “Come on, for your brother?” I pleaded and just to piss him off a bit more, I shot him a wink.

  He was grumbling about how much he hated it here while pulling on his boots. I couldn’t stop myself from rolling my eyes as he walked past, muttering about how Abby was ruining his life.

  “You know, you and Abby both have a flair for drama.” I chuckled, jogging

  next to him down the stairs.

  “Fuck off; we’re nothing alike.” He snorted.

  The front door was wide open. It was the perfect summer day. Abby leaned against the Ute chatting with the neighbor. She looked great; her hair out all sex kitten like and wearing those shorts. Damn, the girl was fit.

  Abby spun around, her smile slowly fading. “Hi, Kade.” She gave him her tight, forced smile, causing me to grin.

  “Abby, seeing ya using the only muscle you know how, ya mouth.” He pulled down the tray of the Ute. “Get out of the way, would ya.” He shoved her and started to untie a rope.

  Abby huffed and threw a punch into his arm, “Touch me again, and I’ll make you regret it.”

  “Come on, you two, play nice.” I stepped in before things got heated and took the other side of the Ute, catching the rope Kade threw over.

  “Really?” Kade scoffed and threw her a disbelieving look. “Don’t make threats ya can’t keep, Abby.”

  “How about you just go back inside. I’ll help Drake.”

  “With what, Abby? Ya pin muscles aren’t going to carry shit.”

  “We will manage.” She was pushing him out of her way.

  These two were going to give me a headache. “Abby, cut it out. I can’t carry this monster with you.” I took the end of the headboard, and Kade jumped up to ease it down to me.

  “Fine, but if you drop it, Kade, I will kill you.” She huffed and watched with narrowed eyes as Kade stepped off the Ute.

  With every item, Abby made it her mission to follow, threatening him the entire way. When we finally had everything in and done, I needed painkillers and a hard drink. Kade looked like he was boiling with rage. He hadn’t snapped at her once, which surprised me.

  I placed the glass against my forehead and lay on the couch with my legs hanging over the edge. I thought I was going to get some peace now that those two had separated, but that peace was short-lived.

  “KADE, GIVE IT BACK!” Abby roared, and I heard her footsteps running down the stairs. “KADE!”

  Don’t come in here. Don’t come in here. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth when I heard Kade’s big footsteps come in.

  “Drake, ya know about this?”

  Why the fuck did I open my house to these two again?

  “What?” I opened my eyes.

  Kade held a silver gun. It wasn’t overly big, but it looked well taken care of. “This?”

  “Give it back!” Abby stormed in and charged at Kade; he fought her off with one arm.

  “You’re seriously letting her have a gun in this house? She will fucking kill herself!” Kade snapped at me, with a serious, pissed-off look on his face. “I bet she doesn’t even know how to turn the safety on!”

  “Kade, give it back to her.” I pulled myself up and rubbed my temples. “It’s hers.”

  “Yeah, give it back.” She jumped for it, trying to get it from him.

  “Abby, stop jumping,” I asked her and stood up. “Give her the gun back, Kade.”

  “Fuck off; she isn’t allowed one, and she doesn’t need one either.”

  “Yes, I do. How else can I make good on my threat when I say “step into my room, I will shoot you.” Abby looked smug. “Give me back, Kade, or I’ll take your porn collection.”

  “You’ve been in his room?” I arched both eyebrows at her.

  “Grow a pair, Drake, she’s making shit up!” Kade rolled his eyes and slapped the gun down in her hand. “For the record, I’m not ok with this.”

  “I’m not ok with you being here, but yet here you are,” she shot back at him with a burning look in her eyes.

  Kade muttered something I didn’t catch and stormed out. Abby looked down at the gun in her hands with a smile.

  “You don’t need that.” I pointed my glass at her and gave her a hard look. “And you know it.”

  She rolled her eyes, “I know, but Kade didn’t want me to have it. Call me childish, but it made me want to have it more.”

  “That is childish.”

  “Guess I’m a child then.” She winked and spun away, her hair whipping around as she walked off happily.

  It was only day one, and I was already regretting the decision to let them live here. It had to get better fr
om here, right?


  Aunty Amanda wasn’t ok with me moving out. Neither was Kim, and I’m sure Dad would have had an opinion, too, if he was there. As my luck would have it, he had just stepped out when I arrived, and he hadn’t come back in time to stop me. I was half expecting him to show up halfway through when we had the Ute loaded, but he didn’t.

  I pulled out a frame, which had a picture of my mom and I in it, placing it on the bedside table. My room felt like my room now.

  It wasn’t a guest room anymore. It was silly how a few simple things could make such a difference.

  It was after midnight, and Drake was passed out on the couch downstairs. Kade hadn’t shown his face since the whole ‘you can’t have your gun’ show. I had the perfect opportunity to do the thing I had been dreading since that morning.

  It took me a full five minutes to drum up the courage to walk to his door. Finally, I brought up a closed fist and knocked on his door.

  I knew he wouldn’t get his arse out of bed to open the door, so I let myself in, clearing my throat when I did.

  “Reaper, you here?” I closed the door behind me and when I turned back around, my eyes landed on him.

  He was shirtless, lying on the bed, one arm under his head. “Wrong room. Drake’s two doors up.”

  His voice was empty of emotion, just like him.

  “Can we talk?”

  His chest rumbled with a deep laughter.

  The moonlight was firing across his tattoos, defining his scars as well. His appeal was rocketing up, and I fought to keep the old feelings under control.

  “Not stopping ya.” He blew smoke from his mouth and then snuffed his butt out on the ashtray.

  My pulse increased, but I kept a calm face on. “I wanted to say I’m sorry.” I chewed on my bottom lip, frowning. Why was I apologizing again? Oh right, taking the right road.

  “For what, taking off last year and leaving me hanging for months, dodging my calls? Or for playing house with my little brother?” Hurt crept into his words, and while talking, he pushed himself off the bed.

  I opened my mouth, but I was still thinking or more like processing what he said.

  Kade was tall, and his height dominated me. It was as if his skin radiated sex appeal, like a drug.

  “I… I thought you ditched me...” I closed my eyes, cringing as I shared this with him. “I thought you had just left me there. Then the other day, I found that letter, and I’m sorry, you know, I’m sorry for not letting you explain, and I’m... I’m just sorry,” I finished in defeat.

  A few seconds passed and I opened my eyes. His face had a mixed reaction. I had just expected to see his normal hard, cold expression, but I didn’t.

  For a split second, I was reminded of the man that took me to that café.

  “You should leave.” He pushed the words out and took a step away from me, shaking his head. “No point bringing up shit that doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “Doesn’t matter? So I don’t matter anymore?”

  He hasn’t seen you in a year, Abby. Wake up. He had called me selfish and a whore since he arrived.

  “You’re sleeping with my brother,” he hissed through his teeth, “Coming in here, looking like that,” he waved his hand at me. “It’s asking for fucking trouble, Abby.”

  “Kade, it isn’t like that.”

  One moment I stared into his eyes, and the next I gasped as he gripped my waist and pushed me back against the door.

  “What are you doing?” I stuttered as I felt his hand slip up the back of my top.

  He tilted his head to the side, watching the fear grow in my eyes for sure. “Drake likes you.” He dipped his head down, his mouth hovering over my ear, “Pity he falls for the whores.”

  My eyes slammed shut, and I squeezed the unwanted tears back. “Let go of me.”

  “With pleasure.” He pushed himself away from me, his hand gone.

  I twisted around quickly so he couldn’t see how deep his words cut. “For the record, Reaper,” I twisted the knob, opening the door, “Drake and I are only friends, which is more than I can say for you and me.” I hissed the words at him.

  I left his door open and walked back to my room. I shouldn’t have attempted to reason with him. I wiped an angry tear away. What had I ever seen in him?

  Chapter 18


  My brother had many good qualities. He didn’t blink when staring down the barrel of a gun. He didn’t flinch when it came to blood. But when it came to a poker face, he just didn’t have one.

  I slapped down a full house on the table. “That’s what you call a flush, brother, now pay up!” I laughed and raked in the cash from the coffee table.

  “Bullshit.” He pointed his cigarette at me, his eyes piercing. “You’re fucking working the cards.”

  “More like you suck at poker.” I threw the remnants of my whiskey back and poured him and myself another. “Told you I had gotten good.”

  “Cheating doesn’t make you good.” He grunted. “Four hands, you’re fucking cheating.”

  I chuckled, enjoying his rage. “What do you say to another then?”

  “I’m dealing.” He swiped the pack of cards from me.

  “Whatever.” I raised my hands in defense. It didn’t make a difference anyway.

  I heard the click, click, click coming down the stairs. Abby was wearing heels. That meant…

  “I’m going out,” She paused in the large opening of the lounge. One of her perfect manicured eyebrows rose when she saw what we were doing.

  “Where?” I asked, while Kade muttered something about not giving a shit; he and his bad attitude hadn’t changed when it came to Abby.

  “On a date.” She spoke just before the doorbell rang.

  My head whipped to Kade, and he looked back at me. We rose to our feet in unison, knocking everything off the table in our hurry to get to the door.

  “You get her,” Kade grunted, sprinting past me as I wrapped my arms around Abby.

  “Let go of me.” She hissed and kicked her feet.

  Kade opened the door, and I pushed Abby behind us. Time to size this kid up and that was what he was, a kid. Was this guy even legally allowed to drink?

  I shot a disgusted look back at Abby as she crossed her arms. “Get out of my way.”

  “What you want?” Kade grunted at the young punk on our doorstep. “Come on, spit it out,” Kade pressured when the guy just stared.

  “Reaper, Drake, get out of my way!” Abby stomped her feet behind us.

  I turned to look back at her. “Is this kid even legally allowed to drive?”

  “Are you?” She snapped back at me with a bitchy look. “Oh that’s right, you lost your license, and yes he is! Now move!” She attempted to push her way through, but Kade and I were fucking bricks; she had no chance of success.

  “I’m just taking… um… Abby out,” he stuttered. He actually stuttered!

  “MOVE!” Abby yelled.

  “Are you her… ummm… her brothers?” He looked dumbstruck at us.

  Kade’s lips twitched, and I knew he was in for some fun. “Can’t have sex with a sister, can you? Unless you’re some creepy piece of work. You look like that type of freak.”

  I pressed my lips firmly together, and Kade’s very few words sent Abby into a tantrum.


  Kade laughed and stepped to the side. “All you had to do was ask.”

  Abby’s face was red and she was breathing fire. Darting between us, she grabbed the poor guy’s hand and flung him around.

  She was storming down the garden path with him in tow. Leaning against the doorframe, I watched them get into his car. “I don’t like him.”

  “Why, scared he might take ya side, bitch?” Kade rolled his eyes at me.

  “Didn’t have to embarrass her.” I gave him a pointed look.

  Kade had spilled all about his and
Abby’s history; history I had known nothing about.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “Doesn’t matter, she was going to leave with him no matter what I said.”

  “I still don’t like him.”

  We both watched the car pull away.

  “Gay looking kid if you ask me.” Kade’s eyes met mine; we both seemed to be thinking the same thing.

  “Didn’t look trustworthy, did he?”

  “Definitely not an upstanding citizen like ourselves.” Kade smirked then pushed off the wall. “Get ya shit already, I’m not the best tail driver as is.”

  Looked like we were on the same page. Hadn’t planned on stalking Abby and her date, but hell, it wasn’t like we had anything else to do. Plus he really didn’t seem like her type—not one tattoo in sight.

  Chapter 19


  I swirled the red wine slowly in the glass while looking across at Adam Jenkins. He was explaining the terms of my employment, and while I was acting to hang on to his every word, my real attention was on Kade and Drake, who were occupying the seats two tables across from ours.

  Kade was screwing his nose up at the menu while Drake eyed the waitress.

  “Abby, do you see any issues with this?” Adam asked, and my mind flicked back to the conversation I should have been listening to.

  “No, not at all. The hours are reasonable, and I don’t see any problems coming up.” I shot him a flawless smile and then swallowed the rest of my drink.

  I needed more wine.

  Adam cleared his voice, and his eyes dropped down to his plate of food. For the first time this evening, he looked worried. “I, um… didn’t want to bring this up, but...”

  “You’re concerned about what happened earlier?” I knew Drake and Kade’s stupid behavior would come back to haunt me. Why did they have to do that? Couldn’t they have just kept their noses out of my business? Just for once?

  “Yes.” His word was sharp. “They seem protective of you, and this role might conflict with that protection.”

  I couldn’t suppress the smile. “Why, do you have a feeling they won’t like me being used as bait?”