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CAGE'S DOWNFALL: Book 2 in The Vultures MC
CAGE'S DOWNFALL: Book 2 in The Vultures MC Read online
Cage’s Downfall
Simone Elise
Simone Elise
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Six Weeks
Seven Weeks
Eight Weeks
Nine Weeks
Ten Weeks
Eleven Weeks
Twelve Weeks
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Stay in Touch!
Chapter One
She was showing all the signs. She told me only the other week, that she felt helpless.
She fucking told me! What did I do- brush it off, acted like my little Autumn was fine. When really, she was back battling a demon that had grown in size, and strength… and the result for that demon’s growth, was him.
My eyes landed on Hawk. I was ready to kick him out. Autumn was having a blood transfusion. She was in an induced coma. She was fighting for her life, and the reason she was fighting for her life was because Hawk had taken everything of importance from her life.
I didn’t resent him for my parent’s death. But what he did with Cage, was Autumn’s tipping point.
She would deny it. But people kept disappearing from her life, that was a problem.
The door opened.
“What the fuck?” Hawk roared, leaving Autumn’s side.
“I called him.” And I stepped in front of Hawk’s path to him.
“I’m Autumn’s family, and I’m telling you, he is fucking staying.”
Hawk’s glare went off him to me. “Since when did you disobey a direct order?” he was saying it like he could pull a president order on me. This was my little sister. And it was half his fault and mine, that she was on that bed. “He isn’t welcome on my territory.”
“This isn’t about the clubs, this is about Autumn, and when she comes too. I want her to have every reason to thank me for letting them resuscitate her in the back of that ambulance.”
I had made the call. We had basically lost her. I was the one demanding for them to resuscitate her. And they did. She came back, rushed into surgery but they induced a coma after the surgery.
Hawk shouldered me as he passed me leaving the room. I knew what I had just done wouldn’t go unanswered. I turned back to look at Cage, and his eyes were on Autumn. Never seen anyone with that much pure pain in their eyes as I did his.
It was never really over. Never got closure. Never imagined leaving her. But she had to know it was temporary. I would never willingly leave her, not forever at least. I would never let him keep her from me.
He had derailed my plan of stepping up in his club. But my blood lied with the Severed Sons. So I went back to my roots. Knew it was a darker path to take but my goal of having her hadn’t changed.
After all when Hawk wouldn’t back down, I knew I had to force his hand.
But all that was for nothing, when I got Jacob’s phone call. The emotion in that man's voice, had me on my bike, riding back here.
Now I was here. I couldn’t walk up the fucking hallway.
The reality of knowing she was in this hospital scared me. Because it confirmed Jacob’s story. Everything he said from finding her on the bathroom floor, to resuscitating her in the ambulance.
Had I really come that close to losing her?
My feet started moving, driven by the thought that I nearly lost her according to Jacob. I wouldn’t believe it till my eyes landed on her.
I paused at the door and then opened it up. Letting it swing open.
Hawk was at me right away but my eyes were on Autumn. I managed to take two steps into the room, before I had to focus standing because seeing her there, nearly took my legs from under me.
The reality of the situation hit me now. Everything Jacob said. She had self harmed. On her wrist. She was bleeding out. Had surgery. Induced Coma. It was all flashing through my head, in parts that Jacob told me the information.
Don’t know how long I stood there. But I ended up at her side my eyes on her bandaged wrist.
“I called in a plastic surgeon,” Jacob said breaking the silence. I blinked coming to the moment. Where had Hawk gone? Had I just completely blacked out him leaving?
“Said the scars should be minimum,” he added.
“Scars are proof of battles you’ve survived.” I spoke but even I would admit I sounded in shock.
Shock didn’t even fucking cover it. Waves kept washing over me. One moment anger, the next sickness, the next the fear of being without her, then finally the twisting and sicking reality that I nearly had just lost her.
Jacob squeezed my shoulder, and then turned and left. Leaving me in the room alone with her.
I didn’t fucking think my actions through. I should have told her I was coming back for her. I should have fucking told her that I was coming back for her! That no one, not even her father, could keep her safe from me.
My obsession with her was as strong as ever, nearly as strong as my love for her.
My hand went over hers.
“I swear I’ll make this right Autumn.” I looked at her pale face.
“I fucked up. I should never have left. I should have fucking told you I had this figured out. I should have…” I paused and tears swelled in my eye. “I should have told you I loved you, not left you in my dorm room.” I lowered to the chair next to her bedside. “I’m not leaving you again Autumn. So come back to me.”
“You have no idea, how fucking boring day time television is,” I muttered.
My eyes going to her.
They had eased back the pain medication and the sedation medication. She should be coming out of the coma any time now. It was up to her body now. It wasn’t the drugs they were pumping her, keeping her asleep.
My hand hadn’t left hers. I was on her non injured side. I didn’t want to be knocking her sore arm.
I sat back in the recliner. Jacob was dealing with the club, apparently, they had issues with a Severed Son being in town.
Me. In other words.
Hawk was making Jacob’s life that much harder.
I said I’d be happy to fucking face Hawk, tell him myself that I was here for Autumn and nothing else.
But that would upset him more.
So Jacob was dealing with the backlash of me being town. If only he knew as of next week it would be worse, as Severed Sons were patching over The Vultures Nomad Chapter
Had to do with my connections to the Nomads.
Hawk was losing men to us. And he wouldn’t be losing just men and territory to me. He was also going to lose his daughter. Because he had proved to me, he couldn’t care for her.
As I was thinking these thoughts, her hand moved under mine.
Chapter Two
Involuntary fucking admission. That was the end result when Autumn was stablished. I buzzed the nurses when she came to, then I was forced out. Before I knew they were telling me she was being transferred, to a psychiatric hospital.
I couldn’t do fucking shit, as she was ruled a risk to herself. She was legit sto
len from me.
It has been three weeks since her admission, and she wasn’t allowed visitors. She was involuntary, wasn’t shit I could do.
I couldn’t call her. She didn’t have a phone. I was allowed to drop her clothes off but wasn’t allowed to see her.
Three fucking weeks.
Which meant I had to stay in Vulture’s territory longer. I wasn’t leaving without Autumn.
The Vultures Nomads were patched over to Severed Sons. Hawk didn’t take that well. He arrived on my doorstep, demanding for me to get out of town. I wouldn’t say I was living to piss him off, but pissing him off was my own source of enjoyment while I was waiting for Autumn to get discharged.
Hawk said I would never be good enough for her. He liked to turn up on my motel door step, drunk, reminding me of that.
Severed Sons could do with a Chapter here. I was thinking more and more of that, the longer I stayed in town. The Vulture’s rule over this town might be coming to an end. Then again, you’d have to be a man and half to go up against Hawk’s mother Chapter.
I smirked just a tad. The Nomads were looking for a Chapter to call home, the old man told me I needed to step up.
Now as I looked at the run down garage that I’d been visiting, what if I redirected those fresh Severed Sons here, and I finally stepped up? It would be playing with fire, Hawk wouldn’t take it well.
Then again I could force his hand- and my plan would fall into place.
He would know he would have to come to a peace with us, if I laid down a Chapter here, because I wasn’t scared of blood. Our families club was built on that blood. The only reason I patched in as a Vulture member was to earn my own way.
Going back to the Severed Sons was never part of my life plan. Till Autumn came into the picture. Now I’d fucking do anything, including continuing my bloods rule of the Severed Sons.
The fresh Severed Sons who had just been patched, along with Hawk’s actions, had me dialling the real estate agent.
I was putting down roots. Here.
My frustration was getting the best of me. Each week that passed with Autumn still being admitted. She had been in four weeks now.
They said I could write letters.
Six Weeks
Dear Autumn,
I guess I’m the one out of my mind. Because here I am writing a letter. I’m desperate. It’s been six weeks. Jacob said he saw you. Makes me relieved because I know you are alive.
I’m waiting for you.
Seven Weeks
Dear Autumn,
You’ve taken my piece of mind. Shit’s getting harder each day, not knowing what is going on with you. Got into another fight with the hospital nurse staff who won’t let me see you.
How the fuck can they lock you up and expect me to be okay with it? I need to see you. I miss you darling. I’m starting to feel like I’m the one that should be in there, your absence is driving me insane.
Eight Weeks
Dear Autumn,
Got told today they don’t let you write back. Here I was thinking you were ignoring me. Jacob told me he is allowed a weekly call with you now. He reassured me you are alive, and they are feeding you.
Heaven knows I’ve done everything possible to get through those doors to see you.
Yeah. I’ve been to the hospital. Can’t get past the elevator. Fucking driving me insane. Thinking of getting locked up there just to see you.
Darling I’m waiting for you. Don’t ever doubt that.
Nine Weeks
Dear Autumn,
Over two fucking months! I should never have buzzed those damn nurses when you started to wake up. I should have taken you from the hospital. I am so pissed at myself. You have no idea how furious I am about it.
I got into a fight with our supplier because I needed a fight. The bastard got out of surgery yesterday.
Darling. I’m not coping. Everything feels like it is on autopilot. I’m starting to get nervous as more time passes because I’m starting to think you are the one who doesn’t want to see me.Will you at least give me the chance to beg you, for you to see me?
I love you Autumn Indigo Watson. Don’t you give up on us. Because I fucking wont. - Cage
Ten Weeks
It’s been ten weeks now. The roots for my club has been established. We are having our Chapter opening party this weekend. Trust me. I won’t be enjoying myself.
Can’t enjoy shit without you.
I need you.
I’m just hoping you need me even just a tiny bit as much as I need you.
- Cage
Eleven Weeks
You’ve managed to piss me off, without even speaking to me. Jacob told me what happened. You’re so damn lucky to be in that hospital away from my wrath.
You better start eating, otherwise they will never let you out.
I need you.
- Cage.
Twelve Weeks
Dear Autumn,
Jacob told me you don’t want to see me when you get out. Which is next week. I know when you get out you’ll turn into liquid in the ocean and disappear from my view. Jacob won’t tell me what the plan is.
So I know my only chance is this letter. Autumn. I’m begging you. Give me a fucking chance. I know I fucked up. But you have to believe me. I won’t do it again.
Do you need to hear what type of man I am without you? Do you need to hear my thoughts that are driving me to thinking I belong in there and you don’t.
Please Autumn. You felt something for me once. I’m fucking praying that you still feel something for me, enough to give me the peace of mind that you’re okay. Enough if you can’t see me I understand. I’m disgusted with myself enough for both of us. I should never have left you.
I will always love you and if you need me to let you go, if you need to hear that I won’t track you down and let you live without the club.
Well this is me doing just that.
I’m letting you go Autumn. I’ll never be the fucking same. But this isn’t about me. This is about you.
Perhaps the storm killed us in the end.
I love you Autumn, and this is me telling you, I’m letting you go
- Cage Hurley.
Chapter Three
I took a step out of the hospital, my bag on my shoulder. Jacob was leaning against a pick up, his eyes on me and emotions swallow me quickly as I dropped my bag and ran to him.
He was quick to wrap his arms around me. Apart from one visit we hadn’t seen each other. The visit had only been to arrange this. My discharge.
“Fuck I’ve missed you,” he said into my neck. Hugging me tightly and I was holding on to him just as tight.
He pulled back, bending over and picking up my bag. “Let’s get you the hell out of here,” he said with a broad smile.
I didn’t look back at the hospital. I had gotten through it. Now, I needed to face the reality of my consequences.
Number one was going to be easing my brother’s worries, that he had done wrong by me, by having me admitted. I knew he felt partly to blame for my admission. But it was the hospital’s normal procedure.
I noticed the boxes and bags on the back of Jacob’s pick up.
“What’s with the junk?” I said getting into the pick up. Closing the door.
He shrugged.
“Jacob, what’s going on?”
He looked at me. “How about we hit the highway and see where we turn up?”
My expression dropped. Was that what I wanted? Did I want to leave this town behind? Could I do it? Jacob was giving me the perfect opportunity to leave the club, my past all behind me, as soon as we hit that highway.
My mind went to the front pocket of my bag. How many times had I read each letter? I nearly relapsed when I got his letter last week.
The should haves, and could haves, haunte
d me. Could I really do what he said I was going to do, and turn into liquid in the ocean and escape his life?
Why did it feel like I was about to cut off apart of my body? Jacob put the pick up in drive and we headed for the highway.
I nearly jumped when his hand covered mine on the seat. He gave me a smile, and I noticed now he isn’t in club colors.
He was leaving this town with me.
The highway exit came into view. And I looked out the window.
Was I out of my mind?
“Turn around,” I said quickly.
Jacob’s eyes snapping to me.
’Turn, the car around!”
“Are you mad?” He yelled when I yanked on the hand brake, bringing the pick up to a stop forcefully.
I jumped out of the pick up.
“Autumn! Have you lost it? You could have killed us!” Jacob continued to yell getting out of the pick up and coming to my side. “You want to explain your sudden change of mind!”
“I love him!” I blurted out. “Cage Hurley. The Severed Sons President. I love him. I…” I blinked… “I can’t run from him.” I looked back at Jacob. “I know it is complete madness. I know that he is everything I shouldn’t want. But I love him.” I think I was speaking more to myself.