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Reaper's Redemption: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 3 Page 10
Reaper's Redemption: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 3 Read online
Page 10
He laughed. “Took you a while to remember.” Then he went back to eating my apple pie.
“You were Dad’s vice president.”
“I was.”
“You are part of the dark days.”
He scoffed. “Is that what you call it?”
“That’s what Kim and I call it. You were all there one day and gone the next. You went from family dinners to not being around.”
“Well, that’s what happens when you shoot half your members.”
My eyes narrowed. “You shouldn’t have betrayed the club. Then you wouldn’t be walking with a limp.”
“Black and white, like your father,” he said, between taking bites of the pie.
Then something clicked in my brain, and I was clicking my fingers in front of him. “You are Shelly’s dad.”
He looked up at me, interested. Bet he wasn’t expecting me to remember that. I was only little when he was around. But Shelly and I grew up together when we were younger.
“I went to her wedding, a long time back. I had left the Satan’s Sons then. Wasn’t talking to Dad. I actually joined another gang. But I always knew she would find someone amazing. Daniel is that. Didn’t see her going for someone clean cut though.” I shrugged my shoulders. “A banker. Who would have thought?”
Billy was still staring at me. Like he wasn’t expecting me to know so much about his daughter.
“How is Charlie? I only saw him once when he was a baby. It’s been years now.” I reached for my second beer. I gulped some down and remembered something else. “You spend every Sunday with him right?”
Billy cleared his throat. “Didn’t know you and Shelly were still in touch.”
“She came to my wedding.” I tilted my head. “One of the few people I actually called and asked to come. It was mainly a charter party. Wasn’t really about me.”
“Didn’t know she went.”
I arched my eyebrows. “Might have something to do with you always firing bullets when anyone mentions something to do with Satan’s Sons.”
He shook his head. “Don’t know what you are talking about.”
I laughed. “Right.”
“She mightn’t have mentioned it because of who you were marrying.” He put down his spoon. “The Reaper. Only an insane woman would commit to that man.”
“He isn’t that bad.”
Billy scoffed. “You don’t know half the shit he has done or is capable of. A girl with her head in the sky.”
“I know my husband.” I felt offended that he would imply I was just some stupid girl who didn’t know what her husband got up to, that I didn’t know who I was committing to spending the rest of my life with. “I know what he is capable of, which is why I know he will come for me. Whether I am dead or not. He will either come for me alive or for my body. Either way, he will come.”
I knew Reaper wouldn’t rest till he knew where I was. Even if it was just to come for my body. He would come and make sure I was laid to rest. I knew at the very least my son would know where I was buried.
“You are right about two things.” Billy moved in his seat, leaning forward. “Reaper has never cared who lives or dies. But he cares about your life. So, yes, he will come. But I think by then, you are right again, it will be too late.”
Billy was only confirming what I already knew. I sat back in my chair. Just then the door burst open and in walked a furious Jake. I looked at the door, which was ajar. If I could get there I could get out.
I sat up.
I knew that look and I knew what followed that look. I skidded up to my feet and ran around the table. But Billy stood up and blocked me from bolting upstairs. Bastard.
I screamed as he gripped my hair, throwing me back against the table. The taste of blood filled my mouth as his fist continued to connect with my face. He pulled me up only to throw me back among the plates. My head ached from the impact.
“YOUR bastard of a HUSBAND took MY money!”
My hand reached above me and I gripped a knife. I knew I wouldn’t be able to kill him. I sent the knife with all my force and hate for him into his hand that was wrapped around my neck.
He cursed and let go of me and I struggled for breath. “GOOD!” I spat a mouthful of blood at him. “And I hope he doesn’t stop taking things from you. First your wife and next your livelihood!”
I knew Reaper and I knew he wouldn’t stop. He was relentless.
“You little bitch!” He pulled the knife from his hand and pulled his gun on me.
“Go on, I fucking dare you!” I knew it was coming. I welcomed death with open arms. It was better than this. The not knowing. The beating. The obeying his every command. Screw him. Screw him wanting my death to be slow.
His hand wrapped around my neck and he started to drag me up the stairs, my feet stumbling to keep up.
“You and your husband can have matching bullet wounds,” he hissed in my ear. I screamed as the bullet went through my arm. He pushed me forward, slamming the door behind me. I collapsed, my body hitting the carpeted floor.
I cursed and cursed, and wrapped my hand around my shoulder. I scrambled up, leaning against the door. I looked at my shoulder, the blood oozing out. Shit.
“You going to leave her to bleed out?” Billy’s voice floated in under the door. Why did I note concern in his voice?
“No,” Jake’s voice followed. “Call the doc. Tell him we have two bullet wounds and a stab wound. Can’t believe the bitch had the guts to stab me.”
I listened as their footsteps went down the stairs.
Fuck him.
But if he meant that Reaper and I could have matching bullet wounds... Did that mean...? My eyes went wide. No. No way. Reaper never got shot. He did the shooting.
My head leaned against the door.
I should have stabbed him harder.
I needed to know. I needed to know if Reaper had been shot. Was it in the shoulder? He never wore a vest. My stomach dropped. Suddenly I was feeling sick and not because of the bullet wound. I needed to find out what happened. But how would I find out? I had to talk to Kade.
“So, the bike isn’t that bad.”
I looked across at Brad. Was he fucking serious right now? I didn’t care if it was scrap metal.
“I fucking had him. I had my hand around his neck. How the hell did he get away?” I was pissed off with myself. “Fuck, KIM!” I cursed at her.
“Well, if you would sit still! God, have another drink or something,” Kim yelled at me while sewing up my shoulder.
The table was covered in bloody bandages, my vest and my blood-stained t-shirt. Pity. I actually liked that shirt.
“Did you see what direction they headed in?” Brad repeated himself.
I dragged my eyes off Kim’s hand to glare at him. “Up fucking Albert Street. That’s all I saw.” How many times did I have repeat the fact I had no fucking idea where he went and I blew the only fucking lead we had on them?
“Should have killed him.”
I looked up at the head of the table. Roach. His opinion of the situation hadn’t gone unheard. But where was he when shit was going down? That’s right. He’d fucked off, chasing old members.
“One bullet to the head, Reaper. Never seen you miss. So you explain why you got him in the arm and not the head?” Roach threw his beer down. “Fucking lost my daughter. Because of YOU! I told you. I told all of you from the beginning that Abby would be the cost of your mistakes and look now.”
“REAPER, SIT DOWN!” Kim yanked on my arm, trying to get me back in my seat.
“I FUCKING TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HER!” Roach flipped the table we were at, causing Kim to scream and everyone’s beer to be spilled. “OVER AND OVER. I TOLD YOU. STILL YOU WOULDN’T LISTEN.”
This again. I
ran a hand through my hair. My patience was wearing thin. I was so close to giving him the fight he wanted. But he was waiting for me to hit first. And so far, I had ignored every time he said I told you so. How many times had he said I wasn’t worth anything? That this was completely my fault? I knew all that. And I was doing everything fucking possible to fix it.
He had even gone as far as getting my parents here. I still hadn’t dealt with that.
“Thanks, DAD!” Kim yelled and went to her knees, picking shit up.
Roach was a bull, wanting to charge. But I wasn’t letting him win.
“You should get lost, old man, before you get yourself hurt.” I was deadly calm. He wanted me raging at him. He wanted me to give him a fight. But if Abby found out that I had decked her father when he was off his medication and stressed, she would kill me.
“Fucking coward, Reaper. That’s what you are. Letting a woman pay for your mistakes.” He pointed a finger at me. The other members backed away as he stormed past me.
He was disrespecting me. And when he wasn’t doing that, he was bringing up shit I knew all too well. I still didn’t understand why Abby agreed to marry me. And I still didn’t know what the fuck I’d done right to deserve her giving me a son.
“Reaper, sit back down.” Kim rubbed her temples “And can SOMEBODY flip the table back! Seriously, all you men just standing there!” I didn’t know what had her on edge.
Brad, Cameron and a few of the other members flipped the table back.
“Thank you!” she said and started putting her shit back on it. “I swear Dad’s temper is getting worse every day. Now, Reaper, sit back down so I can finish sewing your shoulder. Because you will be useless to everyone if that gets infected.”
She had a point. As much as I didn’t want to sit still right now.
“I’ll look at your leg after this.” Kim focused her attention on my shoulder, she and that needle she liked sticking in my skin.
I glanced down at the gravel rash that had ripped through my jeans. It ached like a bitch and had taken the first layer of my tattoos off.
“We need to start thinking of a plan B.” Brad dragged a chair back to the table and put my bottle of liquor back in front of me. “Because our current plan isn’t working.”
“It was going to work if I hadn’t fucked it up.”
“There was no winning in that situation. Well, unless you count the cash.” Brad smirked and leaned forward. “Three and a half mill isn’t bad.”
“What do you mean no winning? I shouldn’t have fucking dropped when I got shot. Then this would all be fine and Abby would be back.”
“Yeah, because he was just going to give you that information now, wasn’t he, Reaper?” Kim snapped at me. “Seriously, if you had shot him in the head, we would never know where Abby is. Yeah, the whole him getting away sucks, but if we found him once, we can find him again.”
She was confident.
I looked her in the eye. “Before or after Abby’s dead.” I didn’t know if he was in a rush to kill her, but I knew he sure as hell would be taking today out on her. No way he would lose that amount of cash willingly.
I glanced toward the bar, which was covered in cash at the moment from the guys counting it.
“Like I said, we need to come up with a new plan,” Brad said, like it was that fucking simple.
We had a plan and I fucked it. Me. I fucked it.
Come on, Tyson. Sleep, little man. Tyson was wailing. It was nearly eleven and he had woken up about seven. Kim said he had woken up as soon as I left this afternoon and didn’t go back down till after five. He’d had barely any sleep today.
Kim had turned the empty corner of my room into a kitchen. She even had a sink plumbed in and joinery. I was thankful for it now as I boiled Tyson a bottle.
“Come on, Tyson, we have talked about this. You like sleep. It’s when you grow.” I held him in one arm as he wailed. Filling up the bottle and checking the temperature, I headed back to the couch, giving him the bottle. His little hands grasped for it. I held it in place. He was only tiny but already he was trying to do things on his own.
His eyes were wide as he drank. He had Abby’s eyes. I wished she could see them. God, I needed her. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number.
“Hey, it’s Abby. Leave a message.”
I closed my eyes, hung up and dialed again.
Her voice had a sweetness to it. She sounded happy. I pulled the phone away from my ear and went to the videos. I only had a few pictures of her. I was always too busy to take pictures. I regretted that now.
But I did have two videos of her. One when she was pregnant with Matthew and another one I took the night of our wedding.
“Kade, are you filming?” Abby sat up in bed. “I mean it. You better not be filming.”
“Come on, sweetheart, don’t be camera shy.”
“What if someone sees this?” She gave me a challenging smirk. “You won’t be so proud then of your stupid little camera.”
My hand went forward, ripping the blanket off her.
“Come on, I’m going on the road tomorrow. At least give me something to look at.”
“Don’t go, then.”
“Have to. Already had this argument, babe. Remember, you lost”
She pouted and gave me a look that told me she wasn’t ready to cave in. “Fine. Stop filming me!”
“Not till you strip.”
She shook her head, laughing. “No way am I letting you film that. What if someone else sees this? You really need to think ahead.”
“Who would dare touch my phone?”
“Well you aren’t going to watch yourself, are you?”
She kneeled in the middle of the bed. An expression I had only ever seen her give me captured her face. “Fine. I’ll strip for you.”
A number I didn’t know paused the video as my phone rang. I ignored it. Whoever was calling could get fucked. I had had a long-ass day. If I didn’t know the number, then they weren’t important. Usually, as a president, you always answer your fucking phone. But tonight, I was taking time off.
Tyson was slowly falling asleep while drinking his bottle. I got up. I took the bottle from him and lowered him into the crib. He had been sleeping with one of Abby’s sweatshirts. For some reason, he always curled into it.
Like now, his arm reached out for it. Instead of having a teddy bear, he had a sweatshirt.
The doctor sewed up my shoulder. Why Jake would shoot someone and then get them medical attention was beyond me. I really wanted it over with, but I was still strong, even though my body was taking a hard hit at the moment.
Sure, where I wasn’t bruised I was bleeding and I looked like someone had colored me in with purple and yellow marker. But I was still breathing. Which meant he hadn’t broken me.
I wasn’t going to let him break me.
He couldn’t break me.
They left when the doctor was sewing me up in the formal sitting room. The bullet hadn’t gone right through, so I experienced extreme pain as he dug it out.
I wasn’t just giving up.
Which was why I was going through every kitchen drawer at the moment to see if I could find something with an address on it.
I slammed the last drawer shut. Fucking nothing.
I was here alone. I didn’t know how long for. I was surprised he had left me in the house having free range.
I did stab him. I expected to be locked up for that.
I took the stairs two at a time, even with a sore shoulder I was going to take this opportunity. and walked up the hall, pushing doors open. Bedroom. Bedroom. Bedroom. My room. Study.
I quickly went to the desk. Nothing. Nothing. Empty. One locked drawer. I lowered to my knees in front of it. There could be an address in there.
I looked at the keyhole. No way I was picking that. I was good, but not that good. Jake was lazy and I knew the key would be in here somewhere.
I ran my hand over the surface of the desk. No holes. I went through the paperwork. It was all bank accounts, with a post office as the address.
Just when I was about to give up, I noticed the green velvet that covered the top of the table. I picked it up at the corner and bingo.
The first smile I had had since being taken took over my face as I snatched up that small key.
I pushed it in the key hole, unlocking the drawer.
I went through the contents of the door. Passport, money, a gun with no bullets and a phone. My eyes lit up when I saw the phone.
I unlocked it. No PIN. God was on my side.
I had never been so thankful to see an old iPhone. If only it was a new one then I would be able to locate where I am. I clicked on the map app, but nothing happened. I cursed. It looked like it had been forgotten about. I was surprised it even turned on.
I looked out the window that overlooked the driveway. No one was back. Reaper. I could call him. The realization hit me. I was seconds away from talking to him. It was after midnight. Would he be up? What if I woke Tyson?
Fuck it. Just call. My fingers ran across the screen and then his number was there. All I had to do was dial.
Chapter 10
He didn’t answer. He always answered. I didn’t remember him ever missing a phone call. He would answer in the dead of the night. Sometimes he would be on the phone in the night and I wouldn’t even realize.
A president always answered his phone.
Maybe something was wrong. My eyes widened. Maybe he was hurt. Maybe he was in the hospital. God, what had Jake done? I gripped the phone tightly and stared out the window. No one was back yet. I still had time. I dialed again. I listened to the ringing and then nothing. No answering machine. Nothing.
Fuck it. Who else’s number did I know? Dad’s, I always got the four and seven mixed up.
I knew Kim’s.