Reaper's Redemption: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 3 Page 17
Trigger was at my side again, still firing. They weren’t giving up. I heard the sirens coming. Someone must have called the police. Police meant ambulance. I would be fine, which couldn’t be said for Tyson if they got him.
“I’M NOT LEAVING YOU!” He was leaning over me, pressing into my stomach.
“Tyson comes first. Go.” That’s when the firing started again. They must have reloaded. “GO!” They weren’t stopping. They wanted Tyson. They had come for him and weren’t planning on leaving without him.
I saw his torn expression. He knew what he had to do and then there was what he wanted to do.
He placed my hand over the bullet wound. “I’ll meet you at the hospital.” He was saying it like it was a date. I smiled.
I turned my head, watching my car pull away from the curb abruptly. It was replaced by a police car immediately. Tyson was safe. I hadn’t failed Abby.
The firing stopped. I was guessing it was because of the police; that and what they were after was gone.
Chapter 18
Tyson was wailing and it wasn’t helping that I had covered him in blood. I pushed open the clubhouse door. Thank fuck they were back.
“They shot Kim. I have to go to the hospital.” I walked straight to Reaper. He looked at me, confused. When he didn’t take Tyson from me, I yelled, “DID I FUCKING STUTTER? THEY SHOT KIM!”
He looked from me and the bloody shirt to Tyson, who was covered in Kim’s blood. “What the fuck is going on?” Reaper roared, only now understanding the situation. “Who shot Kim? Where is she?”
“I left her on the sidewalk.” I had left her to bleed out. I had left her to die. “Here, take your son. I have to get to the hospital!”
“Did you see who it was?”
“It was that Andrew prick who picked up the money. Look, I can’t talk. I have to go!” Didn’t he understand? KIM HAD BEEN SHOT! On my watch! I had left her bleeding out on the sidewalk. I chose to save his son over saving the woman I love.
Fuck, I only realized this morning that I loved her. I hadn’t told her. All this time and I realized today I love her and it’s the same day she was taken from me? How the fuck is that fair!
“Brad, look after Tyson. Call Roach. Tell him Kim’s at the hospital.” Reaper looked at me. “Do you want to change?”
“I don’t give a fuck what I look like.”
All I cared about was Kim. Didn’t they get that?
“Shit, she’s lost a lot of blood.” Brad took Tyson from me. “Where did they shoot her?”
“In the stomach. I couldn’t see if the bullet went through.” I ran my bloody hands through my hair. Brad didn’t know how right he was. There was so much blood.
“Well, let’s go. Brad, start calling and get the security footage. I want a fucking number plate.” Reaper whacked me on the back. “You alright?” He looked at me like he knew what it was like to have your woman shot in front of you. Then I thought of it. He did know exactly what it felt like.
I never thought I’d love anyone. But I knew this morning I loved Kim, seeing her so happy with Tyson. I wanted her to be that happy holding my child. I wanted her to be looking at me with that much love.
“Let’s go.” Reaper gave me a solid push in the back.
I had never been in shock. Never had anything happened to me that put me in shock. But seeing Kim lying there, bleeding, and having to leave her, that had sent me into shock.
I followed Reaper, pulling my bike keys out of my pocket. She would be fine. I kept repeating that to myself as I straddled my bike. She would be fine.
“Kim Harrison. Bullet wound to the stomach. Would have come by ambulance,” I basically shouted at the emergency nurse. “Tell me where she is?”
Panic. Red, raw panic was flooding my body. I had to know she was breathing.
I saw the nurse type Kim’s details into the computer. She looked at me, her eyes lingering on my shirt. Maybe I should have taken Reaper’s advice and changed.
“Relationship?” the nurse said, being professional.
“Husband,” I gritted out. Never in my life had I wanted to be married, but right now I wished I had fucking realized sooner I loved Kim and been a man and married her. But fuck it. That wasn’t helping me now. Now I needed fucking answers! If it wasn’t for the security glass in my way I would have reached around and looked at the computer screen myself.
“She came in as a Miss.”
Reaper pushed me out of the way. “I’m her brother-in-law. Can you at least tell us if she is alive?”
The woman opened her mouth and I would bet she was about to give Reaper the same treatment she was giving me.
“I’M HER FUCKING FATHER! NOW WHERE IS SHE?” Roach pushed both Reaper and me out of the way.
How did he get here so quick?
“She’s in surgery. She will be discharged to Four South,” the nurse gave Roach the details. “From the notes on screen, she just went in.”
“Was she stable?” Reaper asked, like it was his heart on the line.
“There is a waiting room on the ward, Mr. Harrison. I’ll let the nurses know you’re waiting for news.” The nurse picked up the phone.
Roach grunted and turned, heading for the elevators.
Wait. We had to wait.
Normally, I welcomed the unknown. I lived for not knowing what I would be doing tomorrow. But the unknown of facing a world without Kim, well, that unknown scared the shit out of me.
“So, what were you doing while my daughter was being shot?” Roach barked at me as we got in the elevator.
“Clearly not his fucking job.” Reaper was glaring at me.
It didn’t matter what they said. They couldn’t make me feel any worse.
“So?” Roach snapped at me.
“Like Reaper said. Not my job,” I muttered, getting out of the elevator. “I fucked up, alright? Is that what you want me to say?” Wasn’t it obvious? I HAD FUCKED UP!
“You saved Tyson, Trigger. You didn’t fuck up completely.” Reaper closed the waiting room door after us. “I shouldn’t have let Kim go to that appointment by herself. If she had fucking told me Tyson had an appointment, then I would have been there.”
“We were collecting rent.” I ran a hand through my hair. “We weren’t anywhere near the hospital.”
The look on Reaper’s face was as if I had just slapped him.
“You were doing club business?” he gritted out. “ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID?”
“We were collecting rent, Reaper! We weren’t taking risks! Fuck, it didn’t matter what we were doing. They clearly followed us. They waited till I was out of sight. Then they fucking made their move.” I shouldn’t have left Kim by herself.
Reaper’s phone started ringing.
“Yeah, Brad? Right. Yeah, we are fucking making a move. I don’t care how guarded his house is. We are getting in.”
We knew Andrew’s address. We just could never get close enough. Clearly Reaper was planning on making sure that wasn’t the case when we made a move now.
“Trigger and I are coming.” Reaper looked at me. “Get the boys ready.”
“I’m not leaving the hospital,” I said as soon as Reaper hung up.
“Yeah, you are,” Reaper said, like I couldn’t argue with it.
“Are you ordering me to leave?” I stood up, ready for the challenge.
“Would you rather sit here and think the fucking worst or shoot at the bastard responsible?”
“I told Kim I’d be here for her.” It was the very last thing I told her. I wasn’t letting her down, as much as I would love to live up to my name.
“We’ll be back before
she is out of surgery. Let’s go.”
“Make the bastard pay, Reaper,” Roach said, and then looked at me. “Trigger, I’ll call you when she is out.”
I nodded my head and followed Reaper out.
“I know you want to torture Andrew to get an address out of him. But I want to finish him.” I hit the elevator door. “Hear me, Reaper? Andrew is mine.” I looked him squarely in the eye. “Don’t fight me on this.”
Reaper nodded his head. “As soon as I get an address, he is all yours.”
Good. He was going to pay for shooting my woman, slowly and painfully. I had gotten a taste of what Reaper must have felt when Abby was shot. Fuck, he must be going through hell now. All this time I thought I got it. But only when I got a taste of what it was like to possibly lose the woman you love did I understand what Reaper was going through.
Chapter 19
I was in the bedroom when I heard it. The cursing and shouting. I had been by myself all afternoon so I was curious when I heard it.
I walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs.
“Shit, Andrew, are you OK?” I asked, my eyes widening when I saw the blood coming out of his leg. “Here, sit down.” I dragged a chair out for him.
He was still cursing as he sat down. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a dishtowel and went back to him. I started to apply it to his leg.
He ripped his top off and I saw the vest with several bullets in it. He unstrapped it and took it off, dropping it on the floor.
“So, you’ve had a busy afternoon,” I stated the obvious.
“Fucking Jake,” he gritted out.
I smiled. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
I picked up his vest and pulled a bullet out of it. I knew that bullet. I had personally bought it. How the hell would a bullet from my gun, which I had left under the floorboards in my wardrobe, get used?
“Decides he wants a fucking kid and sends me out to get it. Fucking sick of his hormones.”
“Wait, you went to kidnap a kid?” I looked at him, shocked. “You’re joking, right?”
He shook his head. “Not any kid. He wants your kid.”
“You went after Tyson?” I suddenly applied more pressure to his leg, causing him to swear. “HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?”
He scoffed. “Don’t worry. Your sister made sure I didn’t get him. Winded me by shooting me nonstop in the chest.”
“So you didn’t get him?”
“Does it look like I have your kid right now?”
“No.” Thank fuck for that. But Kim didn’t know how to use a gun. She must have had a member with her.
The front door opened and Jake walked in, laughing, with Billy.
“What the hell is your problem?” I yelled at him. How dare he go after my son! Didn’t he have me? Wasn’t that enough? “What was your plan? Kill me, keep my son?” I strode toward him and as soon as he was in reach I shoved him hard. “I can’t wait till Reaper kills you.”
“You gave me the idea.” His hands locked around my wrists and he stopped me from pushing him. “You went on about how a child fixes all your problems. You made me realize how much I wanted one.”
Jake looked around me. “Your house is being shot up, Andrew. Guessing Reaper didn’t take kindly to the fact you tried to take his kid.”
Andrew scoffed. “Means I’m staying here. I loved that fucking house. You, Jake, will be paying for the repairs.”
“Yeah, when we went past they were raiding it. Heard your alarms going off a block away.”
“Well, they will be hunting for you, Andrew,” I gritted out. “I hope you like the idea of being locked up here with me, because Reaper will be hunting for you too.” I looked between them smugly. “I cannot wait till Reaper gets a hold of one of you.”
“Like that is ever going to happen.” Andrew limped toward us. “Now call Jeff. I have a bullet in my leg.”
“I think it should stay there.” I smiled smugly at him. “I’m happy that a Satan’s Son put that bullet in your leg.”
“It wasn’t a member,” he gritted out.
“Who was it then?”
“I already told you.”
“No, you didn’t.”
“Your sister stopped me.” He looked at me like I was stupid. “By shooting me.”
So Kim had my gun. And someone had taught her how to use it. I smiled. If Reaper had taught her, then that would explain why she had gotten so many shots right into his chest. He was lucky to have been wearing a vest. “Well, I can’t say I’m sorry.”
“Well, she was when I shot her in the stomach.” Andrew limped off.
“DID YOU SHOOT MY SISTER?” I gripped his arm and spun him around. “TELL ME YOU DIDN’T HURT HER!”
“When I left, she was bleeding out on the sidewalk.” Andrew looked at me smugly. “Not so happy now, are you?”
I gulped and turned to Jake. “You have to find out if she is OK.”
“No.” He walked around me.
“You can’t do that to me!” I followed him. The panic I was feeling was suffocating. “Jake.” I gripped his arm and forced him to look back at me. “Please find out if she is OK?” I never thought I’d beg Jake for anything. But I had to know that Kim was OK.
Jake looked at me, then my hand, frowning. “Fine. I’ll make a call.”
I sighed in relief. “Thank you.” I let go of his arm.
“You should go back to your bedroom, Abby. I need to talk to the boys.” Jake was actually speaking nicely to me. He even looked half torn as he gently pushed me toward the stairs. “Go.”
“And you’ll find out about Kim?”
“Yes. I’ll come tell you as soon as I know something.”
I nodded my head. I’d settle for that.
How many times did I have to say I was fine to Dad in order for him to leave? It would have to be a thousand. I was stable. I was out of surgery. The bullet had missed my organs and, apart from being in a world of pain that the drugs weren’t even touching and the extreme blood loss that I was still lightheaded from, I was fine.
So Dad left me to sleep.
Which I would have loved to have done, if it hadn’t been for the beeping of machines, the IV in my hand, the fact I was getting a blood transfusion and every few seconds it was like someone had taken a hot poker rod and stabbed it through my back and into my stomach. I couldn’t get comfortable.
I was so tired. My eyelids were heavy. But my body was fighting me. Everything in this room was fighting me.
The door opened. Surely they couldn’t be wanting to check my blood pressure again? That was another reason I couldn’t sleep: because the nurses kept coming in and checking on me.
I had been told the police would be by in the morning for a statement. I still didn’t know what to tell them.
I was glaring at the IV in my hand, not caring that I was ignoring the nurse.
“You should be asleep.”
My eyes bounced up. What was he doing here? It was after two in the morning. “Trigger?” I looked at him, completely surprised. I could honestly say he was the last person I expected to see. Hell, Dad being here and annoying the shit out of me, I got. Reaper, I was expecting in the morning. But Trigger, he didn’t have to come up, unless he felt guilty.
I watched him drag the plastic chair to my bedside. He took the hand that didn’t have an IV needle in it.
“I thought I lost you today.” His eyes moved from my hand till he was looking me in the eye. “So fucking sorry I had to leave you.”
“I’m fine.” I wanted to ease the pain that was so clear on his face. Guilt. He must feel guilty.
He got out of the chair abruptly and leaned over, cupping my face. “You might be but I’m nowhere fucking near it.”
I ran my hand down his
jaw. “You did what had to be done. And there wasn’t anything more you could have done for me.”
“I should have–”
“Stop.” I put my finger over his lips. “I told you to leave. I stand by my decision. Now I’m telling you I’m fine.”
“You’re lying to me, Kim. It’s after two in the morning. I was expecting to be watching you sleep. So tell me, why are you awake?”
“Pain and I can’t get comfortable and these machines won’t shut up.” All my problems just rolled off my tongue.
I might as well have slapped him because the look on his face, well, it was as if I had.
“Sit up.” He gently pushed me across the bed. I didn’t understand what he was doing till he lay down beside me. He put an arm around me. “You OK? I’m not making it worse, am I?”
I curled in to his side. “No, the complete opposite.” I laid my head on his chest, hearing the familiar beating. How many nights had I fallen to sleep listening to it?
His hand undid the ties on the back of my hospital gown and then his hand ran up and down my spine.
“I want to tell you something, Kim.”
“Is it important? Because you are kind of putting me to sleep.” I enjoyed his hand on me way too much. It was relaxing and I was so focused on how his fingers were running back up to the top of my back and down again that I had tuned out the beeping of the machines.
“I love you.”
My eyes went wide and I pushed myself up to look at him. “Why would you say that?” Did he not know by now that he couldn’t just throw that word at me? I couldn’t handle it. Though this was the first time he had said those three little words to me. I used to be the one saying it to him, till I gave up on him, till my heart realized enough was enough. There was no possible way this man was capable of love.
He dipped his head, his eyes deeply calm. “I love you, Kim. I don’t know why the fuck it took me so long to realize it. But today, I did.”