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Reaper's Redemption: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 3 Page 16


  Jake laughed. “You can’t play Russian roulette without one.”

  “I’m going to kill you, Jake.”

  “You say that, but I’m still breathing.” Jake leaned over the phone. “In fact, I’m the one with your girl on my lap. So I think it is fair to say I’ve got the upper hand.”

  “Let me talk to Abby.”

  “Not happening. Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of me.”

  “Fine. Abby, you listening?”

  I opened my eyes. Of course I was listening. Jake wanted to torture me. But did I let Reaper know I was listening? If he had watched the video, he would know my plan. But I couldn’t not talk to him either. Regardless of whether he knew I was going to kill myself or not.

  “Yes,” I finally sighed. “I’m here.”

  “I need you to trust me.”


  “Abby, I need you to have faith in me,” he cut me off. “You have to keep breathing for me and your son.”

  Tyson. I knew what it was like to not have a mother. That was what caused the tears to well in my eyes.

  “Abby, just have faith I will find you.”

  I knew the chances of him finding me were slim. But I also knew that Kade didn’t give up on things. He would find me. I just didn’t know if I would still be breathing by the time he did.

  “OK,” I blew out. “I trust you, Kade.”

  “You won’t do anything stupid? You’ll keep breathing for me?”

  “I have faith in you.”

  “OK, now you have had your heart-to-heart, I want my money. I’ll send Andrew to get it this afternoon. You have a month from today.” Jake hung up.

  Just like that, it looked like my plan of dying early was over. And now, somehow, I had to manage to keep breathing for a whole month. God, did Kade know how hard that was going to be for me?

  Chapter 16


  I had taken the notepad and pen from the kitchen and was sitting on the bed, drawing. It was calming and, for the first time since I was taken, I wasn’t thinking about dying. Instead, I was sketching pictures of Tyson.

  “You disappeared.”

  I looked up at Jake, who was standing at the end of the bed. How long had he been there? Why did it look like he was studying me?

  My eyes went back to my sketching. “Didn’t see the point in hanging around. You got what you wanted.”

  “Are you going to eat?”

  “Is that your way of saying you want me to cook?”

  “No. I ordered in.”

  I looked up. OK. What was going on? He was being nice again. He walked around the bed and actually sat down next to me, pulling his legs up on the bed and sitting beside me like it was normal.

  He nodded his head at my sketching. “You’re good at that.”

  “How would you know?” It wasn’t like he had seen my work.

  “I’ve seen your sketches you’ve left in the kitchen.”


  “What you working on?”

  Again, I was thrown. Why was he being nice to me? Maybe it was because he would have to put up with me for another month. That was if he didn’t go back on his word and kill me before that.

  “Um, sketches of Tyson. When I last saw him.” Before I was ripped away from my son.

  “If he is anything like your sketches, you have one cute son.”

  “The sketches don’t do him justice.” I smiled for the first time at Jake. I guess talking about my son would bring a smile to my face. He was so little. So fucking perfect. And, as I looked at my sketches, he was the spitting image of his dad.

  “What made you have kids?” Jake sounded genuinely interested. I frowned at him. Wouldn’t it be better if he didn’t get to know me? He was going to kill me. He arched his eyebrows, waiting for an answer. I guess I was just staring at him.

  “Well, Tyson wasn’t our first.”

  “I didn’t know you had another kid. How old are they?”

  “He died. I, um, had a complicated labor. In the end, he didn’t make it.”

  “Sorry.” He looked at me with sadness. “I know what it is like to lose someone you love. That loss eats you up.”

  “Yeah, it does.” I nodded my head. “Nothing compares to losing a kid, well, apart from losing a parent, or in your case, your partner. But even when I lost Mom, I didn’t feel as numb as I was when I lost Matthew.”

  “Your mom died?”

  “When I was young, to cancer.”

  He looked at me again with a glint in his eyes I couldn’t explain. As if I was a mystery and he wanted to know everything, like he was seeing me for the first time.

  “Sorry about your mom.”

  I shrugged. “It’s history. It made me stronger. And she would hate for me to stay stuck in the past.” It was funny. When it came to Mom, I never spoke about her, not even to Kade. So why the hell was I speaking about her to Jake?

  It comforted me to think Matthew was with her. If he couldn’t be with me, he was with his grandmother, and Mom would have made a great grandparent. She loved with her whole heart. Even the badness. Especially the badness. She would love every side of me. She wouldn’t care about me taking lives.

  Even when it came to Dad, she would love every side of him. She accepted the fact he didn’t come home for days because she knew he would be with her as soon as he could.

  I had barely any memories of them together, but in the ones I did their love always shone through all the bullshit of the club. Mom always had a way of making you feel complete. I hoped one day I would be half the mother she was to me. That was, if I ever got the chance.

  “So I’m guessing you and Reaper tried again?” Jake said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

  “No. Um, Tyson wasn’t planned. When it happened, I was set on having an abortion. After Matthew, I wasn’t ready.”

  Jake looked at me, shocked. “But you love him?”


  “So what changed your mind? I mean, I’ve never lost a kid but I imagine to go again, you have to be fully convinced.”

  “Kade, I mean Reaper, changed my mind.” And if it hadn’t been for Kade being so determined on me keeping Tyson, I wouldn’t have a son today. If he hadn’t found that pregnancy test and it had been left up to me, we wouldn’t have a son.

  “Do you regret it? Bringing a life into the world?”

  “No. Not at all. As soon as I saw Tyson, all the shit I’d done in my life, all the badness and the death, it didn’t matter anymore because I got this perfect, healthy little boy. And if it wasn’t for all those dark paths I took, I wouldn’t have a son.”

  “Dark paths? As if you have any.”

  I looked him straight in the eye. I doubted I had to worry about him going to the police. “You know the Hellbound?”

  “My competition.”

  “Well, I was Blake’s personal hit man.”

  “Wait, are you the one that took out the board?”

  I nodded my head. “Yep. Like I said, his personal hit man.”

  “But everyone thought he had hired a professional. Even I admit those kills had talent behind them.”

  “Thanks for the compliment.”

  “Got Blake sentenced to six months. He is out next month.”

  “Is he?”

  “Yep, gotta keep eyes on the competition. I’m sure when he gets out they will be running at full speed again.”

  “He needs new members. It will take him a while to rebuild the gang before he even looks at taking over your market.”

  “Do you know much about them?”

  “A lot. I used to wear their tattoo. So you can say I know a lot about their operation.”

  “Anything you would share with a friend?”

  A friend? Was he joking? A friend doesn’t kidnap with the intent to kill. “No. I’m loyal.”

ll, will you at least tell me if I should be worried about them coming into the ice business?”

  I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing he was testing me. “You mean, do you think they will expand their ice business?”

  He smiled. “So you do know about their operation.”

  “Like I said, I was one of them.”

  “Well, will they expand?”

  I really shouldn’t help him. But at the same time, I didn’t want to do Blake or Daniels any favors. Not after what they put me through.

  “When I was with them, I helped them secure a gun deal. So they have the gun power to take you and the money to recruit. All they are waiting on is Blake to come and take charge. But if I were you, I’d focus on their weakness.”

  “Which is?”

  “Well, Blake depends on petty crimes. His main market is young kids who like to steal and get off raiding businesses. If you focus on getting to those kids before he does, his market will dry up. He also doesn’t have a contract shooter. I was it. He hasn’t replaced me. So if he has a problem with someone, he has to deal with it himself. If I were you, I’d take up the opportunity as soon as he is out of prison. Sure, he is untouchable in prison. But once he is out, a contracted shooter could take him out with ease.”

  “You’re smart.” Jake looked at me, shocked. “How did you get to be so beautiful and smart? Normally a girl is either smart or beautiful, not both.”

  “Your Rebecca was beautiful and would have to be smart to be a schoolteacher,” I pointed out.

  “Nah, she wasn’t your type of smart. She didn’t see people’s weaknesses like you. She couldn’t put a plan together like you just did. Hell, she would never be able to pull a trigger. Never had guts when it came to this life. Clearly, you do.”

  I didn’t know if he was complimenting me or not. Was he actually saying I was better than his wife?

  “Thanks, I think,” I said, arching my eyebrows.

  “It’s a compliment.”


  “So Tyson made up for all that shit?”

  “Yeah, he did.” I smiled. “Like I said, it makes up for all the bad, makes you realize the world is bigger than your mistakes, you know?”

  “I’ve always wanted a son. Someone to shape. Someone to carry on my name.”

  “Well, girls can do that too.”

  He grinned. “Yeah, I’d settle for a daughter.”

  “Have you dated anyone since Rebecca?”

  He shook his head. “Never wanted anyone but her.”

  I knew what that felt like. I had only ever wanted Kade and it would destroy me to live without him. Hell, I had lived without him. And my life had turned to shit. Was he going to be OK without me? He had Tyson now. He had to pull himself together. Tyson needed him. Surely Kade wouldn’t let grief make him turn his back on his son.

  “Well, I can’t give you any advice because I honestly don’t know what it is like to lose your partner.”

  “You’ve lost Reaper.”

  “No. He has lost me. I’ll have him till I die.”

  “How much do you miss your son?”

  Was that a loaded question? I looked him in the eye, not understanding what he meant by that.

  “You ripped me from the love of my life and a whole new life I had just created. You stole me from my son’s future. Is that what you want to hear? That I’m suffering?” I gritted out, gripping the pen tighter. “You don’t have a child so you have no idea what it’s like to lose that.”

  He smiled. “I didn’t want to know if you were suffering. But you have given me an idea.” He leaned forward and before I knew what he was doing, he kissed me. “I’ve got to go. Like I said, you’ve given me an idea.” He got up and then turned around before he got to the door. “You’re drawing. I’ll make sure you get more supplies than a notepad and a pen. After all, you need something to do in your time.” He turned and left.

  I was panicking, completely and utterly panicking. He had kissed me. That was what I was afraid of. I could handle being beaten. But I couldn’t handle being raped. I knew that would break me. I touched my lips and the tears welled in my eyes. I was too busy panicking to even fully understand what he meant by me ‘giving him an idea’.

  Chapter 17


  I wouldn’t say that the depression that had blanketed the club since Abby was taken had lifted completely. But the boys were more positive knowing they had a month. I looked around the bar. It was covered in guns. There was no room to move.

  The boys were going to war. And Reaper had made sure when it came to guns, well, we had enough for the war and then some. Normally the boys carried but now they had machine guns strapped to them. And they were using them.

  I personally hated having Tyson around all this crap. But it was his home. I walked into the living room and put my feet up on the crib. Tyson was slowly waking up and once he was awake we had a doctor’s appointment.

  I sipped my cup of coffee and watched the last bit of Elmo on the television.

  “You ready to leave?” Trigger walked in.

  Why was it when he was near, I couldn’t tear my eyes off him? Admiring all his good aspects and loving the bad.

  “Tyson is waking up.” I tried to focus on the television. It would have worked too, if Trigger hadn’t chosen to sit down next to me, his hand running up my leg.

  “So, how are you?” he asked, sounding like he really cared.


  “You’re not sleeping.”

  I turned to look at him. I knew it was starting to show. But I had put makeup on today to look more human. “How the hell did you know that?”

  He just grinned. “I know you, Kim.” His hand ran up the inside of my thigh. “How about tonight you try and sleep with me? Last time I checked you usually sleep great in my bed.”

  “Nice try.” I looked away from him. Just because he hadn’t been screwing girls didn’t mean I was about to go back to him. It was only a matter of time till he got drunk enough at a club party and gave in to the need for sex.

  “Come on, Kim. You need sleep.” His hand was making my breathing come out sharp. Why did his touch do that to me?

  “I’m not sleeping in your dirty bed. I would put all my money on the fact those sheets haven’t been changed since I did them last.” I looked him in the eye. “And before you even lie and say you have, remember, I know you.”

  “I’ll change the sheets.”

  “Still not happening.” I looked at the time. “OK, I better get moving.”

  “You know I’m coming, right?”

  “Considering you have become my shadow, I was actually counting on you driving.” I finished my cup of coffee and got up. I smiled and laughed at Tyson as he woke. “Do you think he can get any more adorable?” I said, picking him up and holding him up. “You are killing your aunty with your smiles.”

  I turned and looked at Trigger. Why was he looking at me like that? I frowned, not understanding the look in his eyes. If I had to take a stab at it, it was as if he was looking at me with love, which I knew was impossible.

  “Where’s the, um, keys?” He stood up, not sounding like his confident self. What was wrong with him?

  “In my handbag.”

  He just stared at me again with that look. I laughed, not understanding it but enjoying seeing him frozen. Why he was frozen I didn’t know. But not seeing him oozing confidence, well, it was nice for a change. It was like he and I swapped places and, for once, I wasn’t the one gawking.

  “OK, seeing as you’ve turned into a statue, I’ll get the car keys.” I walked to the table and searched through my handbag, getting the keys out. Trigger was still standing there. “Are you coming or not?” I asked.

  He blinked and then snapped out of it. “Yep. Give me the keys.”

  I threw them at him. I didn’t know what was wrong with him. I looked him in the eye as he walked past. What was wrong with him?

/>   ***

  Tyson’s checkup went perfectly. He was nailing all the health scores. I called Reaper and told him how well Tyson did. He told me off for not telling him about the appointment. But I knew he was busy. And I could handle an appointment.

  Trigger was collecting rent off the last business on the list today. Reaper had enough on his plate and picking up rent wasn’t a big deal. It was actually one of the safest jobs to do for the club. I was getting Tyson out of his stroller and putting him in the car. I was about to strap him in when I felt it. My eyes went wide.

  “Just give me the kid,” a man’s voice whispered calmy in my ear.

  Panic. What the hell did I do? I felt the gun press firmly into my back.

  “You will have to kill me before I give him to you.”

  “Easily done.”

  Without even thinking, I elbowed him in the stomach and the gun went off. But it didn’t get me. I dropped to my knees and my hand went in my handbag and I gripped Abby’s gun. I had moved so quickly he hadn’t noticed till I was back in his face. I just started firing. Aiming for his body. People started screaming around us. I fired again at him. I didn’t know if I was hitting him but I was firing.

  He staggered back but he must have been wearing a vest. Fine. I lowered the gun and fired into his leg. I got one shot off before pain consumed every blood vessel and I collapsed backward, my head smashing back into the concrete.

  From the corner of my eye, I saw Trigger coming out.


  “GET TYSON!” I yelled. I didn’t give a fuck about me. I wanted to pull myself up to see if he was still there. But the pain I was in was all-consuming. I couldn’t move. Trigger was at my side. His hand went to my stomach. “GET TYSON OUT OF HERE,” I yelled at him.

  “I’M NOT LEAVING YOU!” Trigger’s hands pressed firmly into my stomach.

  “GO, TRIGGER, NOW. BEFORE THEY COME BACK.” I didn’t care if I bled out here on the sidewalk. What mattered was my nephew was safe. That was when I heard the shots. Trigger was up and I saw him firing, but I also saw that there were two of them.

  “TRIGGER, LEAVE ME AND GET TYSON OUT OF HERE!” I was yelling and I didn’t know if he was hearing me. My vision was getting blurry. I knew I was minutes away from being out of it completely. So this was what it felt like to be shot. My hand was shaking as I took it away from my stomach. So much blood. Was it all from me?