Reaper's Redemption: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 3 Page 7
“Took me a while to get here.” Trent ran a hand through his hair. “He expected me here last week.”
“Trust me when I say this, he has had other things on his mind.”
“So one missing charter might have gone unnoticed?”
I laughed and shook my head. “No. No way. Reaper will know. He knows all.”
“Scary fucking dude.”
“He isn’t that bad.” When it came to Reaper he had two sides. And not a lot of people got to see the softer side of him. But then again, I knew his reputation. Everyone did. “Well, thanks for the drink.”
“Next one I’ll pay for.” He stood up. “Let me walk you to your room.”
“You don’t have to. I know this place better than you.” We started to walk toward the crowd together.
“Yeah, but with all the drunks around I’d feel more comfortable knowing you got there without being harassed.”
“I’m used to it. Most guys know I pack a mean right hook.” Most guys stayed away because I was Roach’s daughter. I was off limits. The only biker who had dared go there was Trigger and that hadn’t turned out so well.
“Well, I hit harder.” He winked at me. “Plus this way I know where to go when I want to find you.”
“I’m easy to find.” We were in the crowd now. I didn’t go stiff when I felt his hand on my lower back. Instead, it sent waves and bubbles of excitement through me. That a man would actually be seen with me was one thing, but the fact he was willing to touch me and not be scared of what might come his way said a lot to me.
He looked tough. Like he could take a few good punches and then come out the other end swinging.
“Kim? I thought you were going to bed?” Reaper spotted me and stopped us as soon as we walked into the clubhouse. His eyes hardened when he looked at me. “Tell me you are wearing fucking shorts.”
Oh. Oops. I lifted the sweatshirt up, showing my shorts. “Yep. Shorts on.”
“Trent.” Reaper’s eyes darted off me and onto him. “Expected you last week.” This was the side of Reaper everyone knew, the terrifying and scary side. Most men would crumble, but Trent smiled.
“Took longer, brother,” Trent shrugged it off. “Would have called but knew you had more important things to deal with.”
I could tell by Reaper’s body language he was about to serve Trent a new one. So I cut in.
“Trent was just walking me to bed. So I’ll see you in the morning. Seven, yeah?” I redirected the conversation.
Reaper’s eyes went from Trent to me. His eyes glanced at the hand Trent had on my back. Reaper was chewing on words, and I was sure he was going to rant at Trent regardless. But he nodded his head.
“Seven. But if you sleep in, don’t stress. I’m not planning on leaving till eight.” Reaper said the words to me but he was glaring at Trent.
“I’ll be up early. Have the girls organize breakfast for you all before you leave. Night, Reaper.” I gripped Trent’s hand and pulled him away.
I could literally feel Reaper’s eyes on us as we walked through the thick crowd.
“Nice save,” he whispered in my ear and I smiled.
“You can thank me later.” I was saying that when we walked past Trigger and his blonde for the night. His eyes were on fire as they locked with mine for a split second. Pity for him. I didn’t care. I wasn’t even jealous of the woman under his arm.
I had set my limits on him and only him for years. And tonight I realized there were other guys out there. I glanced down at my hand, which was linked with Trent’s. He knew I came with strings. Yet here he was holding my hand.
Strength. At times you feel like you have zero, that you’re weak. You think you know what your limits are. Strength was something I had a lot of right now. I wouldn’t let him beat me. I had to be strong. For my family. I knew what it was like to grow up without a mother. I knew the pain at every birthday and vacation. I wouldn’t let that happen to Tyson. And I wouldn’t let Reaper be a widow. Not when we just started our life together. I was going to be there for my son’s birthdays and I was going to be there for my wedding anniversaries.
Before this happened, I thought I knew how strong I was.
That was before now. Now I knew what strength was. And I had a hell of a lot of it.
I looked in the mirror and saw a sickly reflection. He was wearing me thin. But I wasn’t breaking. No, he couldn’t break me even if he wanted to. I wouldn’t let him. I was strong. I was going to survive this. And after I had, I was going to make sure Jake Frankston had a slow death, hopefully at the hands of Reaper.
I was locked in a master bedroom. The room was free from anything that I could use to hurt him. He had made sure of that. I was in the en-suite bathroom when I heard the door being unlocked. Considering it had been two days since anyone had checked on me or given me food, I was interested to know he wanted.
The real bitch of the situation was Jake wasn’t ugly. He could have whatever woman he wanted. But he only wanted one woman and Reaper had killed her. I knew I was in this situation because of Reaper. I knew I could die at Jake’s hands as well. But I also knew he wanted me for something. Otherwise he would have shot me in the car.
Jake’s hand pushed open the bathroom door. He stood in the doorway, tall and demonlike. He didn’t look drunk. Normally, when he was drunk, he would beat me. Last time he used his fists till they were bleeding. Did it hurt? Yes. But I was strong. I had to be to get through this.
“Food.” Jake looked me up and down. “Downstairs, now.”
“I’m not hungry.” My stomach was growling for food. But I wasn’t going to let him have the pleasure.
“Haven’t eaten in two days. Did you really think I would let you starve to death?” His tone mocked me.
“I think when I’m going to die, you will make sure it is hands on,” I fired back at him, knowing how a sick and twisted man like him works. He was going to make sure it was bloody and painful. Dying slowly didn’t seem like an option.
He tilted his head. “You’re right. Now, come eat. I have guests.”
“Maybe one of them will have a problem with you kidnapping a girl with the intent to kill her.”
He laughed. “No, they will just ask if they can watch.”
I crossed my arms, glaring at him. “Like I said, I’m not hungry.”
“You either eat or I’ll force the food down your throat.”
I would like to see him try. There was one thing he knew about me. I was stubborn. But having food forced into my face wouldn’t be pleasant.
“Fine, I’ll eat.” I uncrossed my arms and he held the door open for me as I walked out. I hadn’t been outside of this room. So I didn’t know what I was in for. Why was he all of a sudden letting me out of the room?
I paused at the door. I was so used to seeing it locked that seeing it slightly ajar made me want to bolt. I was fast. I could make it to the front door before him. Sure, there were stairs and I didn’t know where I was running to, but I could do it. Now was an opportunity.
“The house has central locking. You couldn’t get out a window or door if you wanted to. Without a code of course,” Jake’s voice said behind me, as if he was reading my thoughts.
I was forced to turn around and look at him. “Well then, you lead the way. Seeing that I don’t know where to go.” I stepped out of his way.
“Smart girl.” He patted me on the head as he walked past. With great regret, I followed him. The room I was locked in was styled with expensive taste. And one look outside the room told me the rest of the house was the same. Jake had expensive taste. I followed him down a flight of wooden spiral stairs that overlooked an open living and dining room and kitchen.
At the table, there were two men. One young, in his early twenties. The other was older, gray hair and a long gray beard. They were both watching me.
“This is Abby. She will be cooking us dinner.” Jak
e stopped at the bottom of the stairs, grabbing my hand. “I know you are used to cooking. Considering I hate cooking, I thought you would be up for the task.”
Maybe there was some way to give him food poisoning. “Sure.” I gave him a fake smile.
I snatched my hand from his and made a beeline for the kitchen. It was large and had an expensive marble top. Jake obviously made a lot of money selling his dirty drugs. I walked to the fridge, opening the double doors. To my surprise, it was fully stocked. For someone who didn’t like to cook, he sure did have a lot of food that need preparing.
Men liked meat. That was one thing I knew about them. Cooking for the club always involved meat. So I was guessing these men would be the same.
I pulled out the meat and headed for the stove. Seeing as I didn’t know where anything was in this kitchen, it was going to be a nightmare. I dumped the meat on the bench and my eyes flicked to the knives.
If there was only Jake, I would stand a chance. I looked up. The three of them were at the table, gambling and playing cards. I had to think smart. Going at him with a knife wasn’t going to work. I turned the knob to the stove on.
Now to find a saucepan.
I had to be strong and smart.
I cooked them food. They ate and I actually ate something as well. I was full for the first time in days. I would prefer physical torture over what they were doing to me. Starvation was the worst. Being hit was one thing, but at least then you could deal with the pain.
“So, Abby, you ready to play a game?” Jake pushed his plate away from him and reached behind him, pulling out a gun.
I swallowed hard. What if this was it? My last meal. My regrets were endless. Would Tyson know how much I loved him? Would Reaper ever recover from losing me? Would Dad be OK? Would Kim cope without me?
“I never told you how my wife died, did I?” Jake kept talking.
I shook my head.
“Painless. One bullet between the eyes.” Jake looked me in the eye, a twisted expression on his face. Some would call it pain. But I knew this man wasn’t capable of pain.
He took the bullets out of the gun. It was an old revolver. Then he put one bullet back in, spinning the barrel.
“I believe in fate. So let’s see if you will be as lucky as my wife, or I have my wish for a slower death.” He slid the gun across the table to me.
“What do you want me to do?” I didn’t understand. He was giving me a loaded gun. Well, it had one bullet in it.
“Simple, sweetheart. Put it to your temple and pull the fucking trigger.” Jake’s words sent ice through my veins. When I didn’t pick it up, he yelled, “NOW.”
My hands were sweaty as I picked it up. So this was it?
“Jake, you sure you want it to happen this way?” the old man spoke, seeing how upset I was getting.
“BILLY, SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Jake shouted at him. “Abby. Gun to the temple now.”
My hand was shaking as I picked up the old gun. I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. If this was going to happen, there was nothing I could do. I put the gun to my temple. And I prayed to god to look after my husband and son. Give Kade the strength to be a father. I knew he could do it. He just had to have faith in himself.
I let one long breath out.
Then I pulled the trigger.
Chapter 5
Tyson wasn’t settling. To say he was unsettled was an understatement. He was wailing and I didn’t know what to do.
“Where’s Reaper?” I asked Dad, who, for some unknown reason, was actually still in the clubhouse, while every other man had cleared out as soon as the wailing started. Did it bother Dad? Nope. He was drinking his coffee and reading the paper as if it was the most peaceful place to be.
Then again, everyone else could be avoiding the place cause of last night...
“In the gym.” Dad looked up from his coffee. “Where else would he be?”
Of course he would be there. Reaper was a living, breathing machine at the moment. He had given up drinking and drugs and was training more than twice a day. I knew why he was doing it. He wanted to be in the best possible shape when he found the bastards who took Abby.
He was taking it seriously, too. When he wasn’t following leads or being with Tyson he was in the gym.
I got Tyson out of the stroller and headed for the gym. Maybe Reaper could settle him.
I was walking past Abby’s bedroom when I stopped. Maybe Tyson needed his mom?
I opened the door. The room was dead. Reaper had moved everything into his old room. I walked in with the wailing baby. Walking into the closet, I flicked on the lights. It hit me hard. Abby should be here. It smelt like her. It was suffocating.
I pulled down one of her sweatshirts off a hanger and walked back into the bedroom. Laying it down, I placed Tyson in the middle of it and wrapped it around him, picking him up.
Then I turned off the lights and left the shell of the room that used to be full of life.
Tyson stopped sobbing. I went to the end of the hall to Reaper’s room and walked in. I placed him in the crib. Maybe he would sleep.
I hoped to god it would work. It had been two straight hours of wailing. I didn’t know what was wrong with him but he was working up a temperature from it all. I gave him something for that. But I doubted it would work. Then, for the first time in hours, Tyson was quiet.
Full on. Silent.
I sighed and fell back on Reaper’s bed. It was the middle of the day and now that Tyson was silent, my thoughts decided to kick into overdrive. About what happened last night...
Why did I feel all giddy inside? Like a teenager who had just been kissed for the first time. I remember my first kiss but still, that had nothing on what I was feeling right now. I had sweaty palms, my thoughts were racing, but at the same time, my mind was cloudy. All this because of attention from one man?
Kind of sweet.
No, he was more than sweet.
All he did was walk me to my room. But the way he treated me was like I was something special. As if I shouldn’t have to put up with the drunken sleazes as I walked to bed.
I was so fixed on his kindness I jumped when my door swung open.
My good mood went sour right away.
“What the hell are you doing? Coming in here like you own the joint?” I crossed my arms and did my best to be serious when my head was in the clouds, thinking about what it was like to be with a guy who didn’t treat you like you would always be there.
“What were you doing with Trent?” Trigger was drunk. Angry. Intoxicated. What was new?
The only thing he was missing was the girl under his arm.
“Not really any of your business. The only person I owe answers to is Reaper and I already gave them.”
“Why you wearing his top?”
“Why aren’t you with the blonde?”
“Fuck it, KIM! Don’t play games with me!”
“Says YOU! You consider me a game. You are hot and cold. Like I said yesterday, you and I are nothing.” I was trying to keep calm, but that went out the window the moment his eyes narrowed at me. As if I had said the one thing to piss him off.
“You like this guy, huh?”
I scoffed. “I barely know him! We talked, that’s it.”
Trigger looked at me with a look he had never given me before. Possession. I saw it in his eyes. As if someone had just touched something that was his and now he was pissed: beyond words, totally fuming, pissed.
He took an unsteady step toward me, pointing a finger. “If that was ‘just talking,’ well I’ll make sure there is no more talking.”
I opened my mouth to start yelling at him, but he spun round and stormed off before I could. He better not be doing what I thought he was about to do.
I groaned. Fucking hell, Trigger.
I quickly followed in his wake. I started to run to catch him. But he
was on a mission. I got to the stairs at the same time he was at the bottom. Basically jumping the last few, I was pushing my way through the crowd when I heard him.
“Hey, Trent!” Trigger’s voice stood out from the laughter and conversations that were going on. You could hear the anger.
Oh god, someone stop his big fat mouth! He was drunk, so I knew reason was gone.
I just pushed past Bones in time to see Trigger’s fist connect with Trent’s jaw. I gasped. The cracking sound that followed did not sound healthy. No, screw that, it was disgusting. It likely caused the kind of pain one would be knocked out from.
I was expecting Trent to pass out. But he didn’t. I think what happened next was worse. Trent took a couple of unsteady steps backward. Then, as soon as he regained his balance, he charged at Trigger.
Both of them were going at it. Somehow, fists that missed hit nearby men and then a brawl started out in the bar area. Every man was going at it. But all I could focus on was the cause of brawl. Fucking Trigger.
I was being pushed about as men went at it. All drunk. All pissed off from the long day. And now they had a reason to fight, thanks to fucking Trigger.
Where was Dad?
Where was Reaper?
They should be breaking this up.
Without thinking about it, I pushed through the fighting men and headed for the cause of this spitfire.
“Trigger, stop it!” I grabbed his back, trying my best to separate them. But they turned. So now I was behind Trent. I pulled on Trent’s arm. “STOP IT!”
No one was listening, especially not Trigger and Trent, who were fighting blindly.
A gunshot went off, causing everyone to panic and freeze, except Trigger and Trent, who were still going at it. Trigger’s right hook went flying at Trent again, and this time Trent was quicker and moved out of the way, unluckily for me. I was right in the firing line.
Tears filled my eyes. Blood filled my mouth. I flung my hand over my mouth.
Trigger’s eyes went wide when he realized what he had done. But before he could open his mouth, Reaper was there.