Reaper's Claim: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 1 Page 7
Kade was quiet. Like real quiet. I looked up, crossed my arms, and raised an eyebrow. “Spill it, Kade, what are you thinking?”
It was the emotions behind his cool expression that had me knowing he had an opinion on this.
“Club isn’t a place for girls.” He leaned back against the wall.
It was just him and me in the empty hallway. I stood a bit taller in front of him. “Girl? You think I’m a girl?”
“You’re eighteen, still in high school. Yeah, I think you’re still a girl.”
A girl? I wanted to hit him. I wanted to punch that thought from his mind. I was not a little girl. “So that is what you think of me? A girl who can’t handle herself?”
“No, you’re a girl who has been harassed, nearly raped, and hanging around bad ass men her whole life. Having you and your sister around this club just brings drama. Men are men, and you’re baiting yourself in front of men with no morals.”
Well there it was; he didn’t have an opinion, he had a bloody lecture.
“Well, who knew you had such a strong opinion?” I thought he was different. Why did I think he could see me as somewhat equal?
In Kade’s mind—everyone’s mind—Kim and I were nothing but a problem. A problem they couldn’t even bang.
“Nice to know what you really think.” I tried to storm away, you know, act my age. But Kade stopped me, wrapping one of his big powerful hands around my wrist.
“I’m leaving, and you’re just going to storm off without even saying goodbye?”
He was leaving. Fine, leave. Go. Leave me with this mess.
It was at that moment I woke up to myself. Kade wasn’t my boyfriend; he wasn’t even my friend. So why did I think I could lean on him for support? He wasn’t even a good guy.
“Bitchy this morning, aren’t you?”
“FINE, what do YOU want ME to say?”
“Nothing.” He let go of my wrist. “Go on then, fuck off.” He nodded his head down the hallway for me to leave.
“You know what your problem is, Reaper? You think I care.” I gave him a cold look. “You honestly think that I give a shit if you ride out or not? You’re just another biker.” My words were cold, my face was stern, and god, I had stepped bitch up to whole new level. “And if you haven’t noticed, I’m surrounded by bikers. So you’re just another dirty, badly tattooed one that seems to have a habit of riding in and out.”
I was angry. No! Furious!
First, his face went tight. His jaw clenched and just when I thought he was about to punch through my coldness with his own harsh words, he leaned in and did something I didn’t expect.
We stumbled back until he had me against the wall. His hands gripped the side of my face, and his lips drove down. It wasn’t loving, and it wasn’t gentle. It was raw and hard, and I loved it.
I didn’t push him away, but I didn’t wrap my arms around him either.
He pulled away, his eyes zoned in on mine. “If any other biker or fucking man for that case touches you, he’s a dead man walking.” His voice was like a sexual dose that sent my body alight, but the raw threatening tone behind his words sent a wave of realization over me. “You can storm off now, babe. I think I made my point.”
I wished I could have kept up that cold expression from before, but I didn’t have a chance. My shock and fear washed over my face. I slowly turned and walked down the hall, stunned. My feet were on automatic while my mind went into overdrive, trying to figure out what the hell he meant.
He had made his point? What the fuck did that mean?
Chapter 9
“This is bullshit,” I roared in Dad’s face. My temper was out of control. I couldn’t reel it in if I wanted to. “This is going to RUIN my life! Can you think of me for once? Just because she hates it here doesn’t mean I fucking do!” I threw an arm in Kim’s direction.
Dad’s face was tight. He let out a long, deep breath. “I told you, Abby, this is decided. I’ve already spoken to Mandy. You and Kim are going. End of story.”
“I think it will be good,” Kim piped up.
“Sorry, but when did we ask for the pregnant cow’s opinion?” I glared at her then looked back at Dad. “You are ruining my life. I’ve put all my effort into this high school, and now you are moving me in my final year! Before exams!”
I was angry that he was ripping me away from the only home I knew, but I was furious that he was putting my future in trouble.
“You can take the exams at your new school.” He stood up, towering over me. “I’ve already enrolled you and Kim. You both start next week.”
I was gobsmacked.
Kim’s stone-cold eyes locked with mine. “I think this is a good thing.”
I snickered a frustrated simper at her. “You thought it was a good idea to fuck a guy with no protection, too.”
“ENOUGH!” Dad roared. “It’s fucking settled. You might as well start packing!”
He was sending me away from my only friends, from my school, from my teachers. I felt like he was taking a part of my life away. I felt robbed, cheated, and mostly hurt. I had always done the right thing. I studied hard, kept myself out of trouble, and this is how I was rewarded?
Tears welled up in my eyes. “If you make me go, Dad, I promise you, you will ruin our relationship.” My blurry eyes locked with his stern ones; there was no emotion in his eyes while mine were full of sorrow.
“Then I guess it is ruined. Pack your shit.” He turned around and left the room. When he walked out, he also destroyed any respect I had for him and just like that, I lost my dad.
Mandy, or should I say, Aunty Amanda, was a true-blue slut. I hated her. And no, I didn’t just hate her because I was being sent to live with her. I hated her because Mom hated her. Why Mom didn’t like her, I don’t know, but I think Mom was a good judge of character.
I wasn’t calling her a slut to be mean, either; she was a slut or as she says, an expensive escort. No matter what she called it, she still spread her legs to make a living.
I hated Dad at that moment, too, for ruining my life. I hated him for sending me away, and I hated him for not even making the five-hour drive here. He sent us with the Western Charter.
The van Kim and I were in slowed down. The gang of bikes in front of us also slowed. I felt like I had swallowed a whole lot of anger, and it seemed to just be spreading through my body.
Aunty Slut Face was out the front of her small brick house. She was dressed in pink and waving like an overexcited Playboy Bunny. Her hair was even bleached blonde.
Kim was quick to slide the door open and jump out. I, on the other hand, wasn’t in a fucking hurry. What had made my mood worse was the fact that Kade hadn’t even spoken one word to me.
He also had some tramp on the back of his bike with him. Kade, being the gentleman he is, let her ride on his bike.
Sluts don’t have rights on the back of a President’s bike, but hell, maybe I was old-fashioned. I slammed the van door behind me.
The prospect that had driven the van gave me a dirty look.
“ABBY!” Aunty Amanda exclaimed and let go of Kim.
Kade was off his bike and had made his way over to the happy pair. I glanced at Aunty Amanda, her arms wide open. “Touch me, and I’ll break your arms.” I walked past her and headed towards the house. I caught a glance of her stunned expression.
I might have always played nicely with her before, but now I had nothing to lose, and I didn’t have a father to be ‘disappointed’ if I did treat her like the piece of trash she was.
As I unpacked one of my boxes, Kade came in carrying the last one. My room was directly across from Kim’s new room. Fuck my luck.
“We’re heading off now.” Kade put the box down near my bed.
The room wasn’t that big and was filled with boxes. I didn’t look up and just kept pulling random shit out of the box. “Ok. Bye.”
I heard the door close, and
I looked up. Kade stared at me.
“What’s wrong?” His tone was deep, and he looked slightly worried. “It isn’t like you to be a mean, cold-hearted bitch.”
“If you are referring to my treatment of the blonde pinup bitch, then I hate to break it to you, but yeah, that was all me.” My belly was full of fire, and I was spitting it out.
He was across the room in two long strides. “You’re pissed off that you didn’t get your way. I get it. But that is life, so grow the fuck up, Abby, and act your age.”
“Oh right, you mean I should act like a girl because that’s what I am, remember? A. Girl.”
“You want to be treated like an adult, then here is your perfect opportunity to act like a fucking adult. Your aunty is taking you in. Be fucking grateful.”
“You know what, Reaper?” I was on the tip of my toes now, glaring into his face. “Fuck. Off. And take your advice with you.”
“You’re more trouble than you are worth.”
“Well, then you must be over the moon now. Because you won’t be seeing me again after this.” I couldn’t be sure why I felt so angry and hurt by that fact. “When you ride out of here in a few minutes, you won’t be coming back. There is no club in fucking Rod Valley. There is no fucking reason for you to be back here.”
I watched realization flash across his eyes and for a split moment, I thought I saw pity within those big, gray-black, soul-sucking eyes of his.
“And it is not like you are going to come back here to see me, right?” I crossed my arms, taking a step back away from him.
Then he said what I was hoping he wouldn’t. “I guess you’re right.”
I was more than right; I was bloody sure of it. There would be no more running into him at club parties.
No club, no Reaper. It was that simple.
Dad had taken more away from me than just my friends, home, and school. He took my Reaper as well. Maybe that was why the fury in my stomach couldn’t be put out.
Kade took a step forward. Slowly, he ran his knuckles down the side of my face. He looked down at me as if I was something special—his something special.
“You’re a good girl, babe. Maybe it’s a good thing. You were always too good for me.” The corner of his lips twitched into that alluring smile I had dreamed about. “You always deserve better than me. This will just make sure you get something better.”
“Yeah, something.” I felt bitter and robbed, but mainly just sad. “I kind of really liked you, Reaper.” My lips formed a tight smile.
He pulled his hand away and without his touch, I felt hollow.
I thought I had dealt with a few hard things during my life, but watching him turn away and walk to my door just blew my heart apart.
He paused, hand on the door. “If you get in trouble and you need me, call me.” He didn’t look back and why I might have wished he would, I knew it was better if he didn’t. If he did, it might be harder for me to let him leave.
“Ok.” As soon as the words left my lips, he opened the door and walked out, closing the door behind him, leaving me empty and surrounded by brown boxes.
Chapter 10
Perhaps it was the fire within my stomach, or maybe I had finally lost my mind. Either way, it still may or may not have influenced my next move. Opening the door quickly, I caught Kade in the hallway.
“Stay the night.”
He stopped.
“It’s late, and you have been riding for hours now. I’m sure the boys won’t mind the stopover, and I’m sure they can find a bar within this shithole town.”
I was beginning to think I was talking to myself until he turned around. That look in his eyes, it was the look that drove me insane.
“And why would I do that?” He titled his head to the side. He wanted me to convince him.
I didn’t know what to say. I had acted like a hell of a bitch to him for a few days, and there I was asking him to stay around a bit longer.
“Because you want to.” The words tumbled out, and when he didn’t deny it straight away, my heart swelled. “So what do you say, Reaper?” I stood in front of him, having closed the gap between us completely. “You up for one night of fun?”
What would we do? Where would we go? I had no idea and no plans but all in all, it didn’t matter. I just wanted to be with him, and seeing the debate in his eyes, I knew he wanted to be with me just as much.
“What are you two doing?” Kim’s voice floated up the hallway. It was sharp and abrupt, just like her.
I looked around Kade but before I could say anything, he spoke first.
“Your sister and I are heading out for a bit.” He turned back around. “Got a problem with it?”
Kim wasn’t stupid. She knew when to hold her tongue. Her eyes locked with mine for a moment, and I swear she was trying to tell me not to make the same mistake as her, but with a quick nod of her head, she backed away from the subject. “I get it. Just be back in the morning.” She looked Kade up and down once more, then looked back at me. “Don’t do anything stupid, Abby.”
With those fine words of advice, she disappeared.
“Give me a few minutes to shake the boys. Then come out the front when you’re ready to leave.” He didn’t and wouldn’t meet my eye.
I suppose this was the perfect opportunity to get changed and try to look more like a girl than a wasted, bitter rag.
I always thought that I would get used to it—the second glances, the dirty, scared, envious looks. I always thought that one day, it wouldn’t bother me. Maybe I would no longer notice, but as I stood in line with Kade, I knew that it was never going to happen.
Honestly, how could I expect that? Bikers drew attention, and that was that. Look at the guy; I gawked at him, too. He was six feet tall, dominant, broad shouldered, and had that look, which caused women’s hearts to race and fed her daydreams. He had the attitude, the look, and of course that haunting tint to his eyes. But it was more than just the way he looked. It was the club leather vest, covered in patches and faded from the road. He was part of something that they didn’t understand. Some loathed it; others wanted to be involved in it. He walked around wearing something that said ‘fuck your rules’ to the world, and they loved it or feared it.
“I hate fucking lines,” Kade muttered under his breath. He pushed the sleeves of his black shirt up, displaying his tattooed arms. “You would fucking think they would have more than one person serving.”
I shrugged my shoulders and suppressed the smirk.
Finally, and I think just before Kade was going to march through the line and demand a seat, a waiter ushered us to a table.
“They’d better serve normal food.” Kade slid into the booth, and I went around the opposite side.
“Don’t worry, Kade, I’m sure there is a burger on the menu for you.” I giggled and swiped the menu off the table. “Do you need help finding the children’s menu?”
He gave me an ‘I’m not amused’ look before looking back down at his own menu.
Since we left, he had been uptight more than normal. I still couldn’t be sure if it was because I had roped him into this or he was worried my dad might find out. Either way, it didn’t explain the weird looks he kept shooting me.
“Sooooo…” I put my menu down and brought my elbows on top of the table.
“So?” He didn’t look up.
“Do you think they serve alcohol?”
He looked up with a dry expression. “They have fucking cupcakes on the menu, what do you think?”
“Tone down the bitchy, would you? I was just asking.”
“I’ve been telling you that for days,” he grunted.
“Don’t turn this conversation back to me.” I hated eating my own words.
“For a smart girl, you do really stupid stuff.” He dropped the menu, meeting my eyes.
“Care to explain, Reaper?” I tapped my finger on the table, and while my better judgment was telling me to leave i
t alone, I poked his question to see if he would tell me what he was really thinking.
He leaned across the table, those deadly gray eyes burning with emotion and questions. “What the fuck is this?”
“This is a café.”
“Don’t play mind fucking games with me. You know what I mean. This. What is this?” He moved a hand behind me and him. “We have tea and then what? Where exactly do you see this night going, Abby, cause I can fucking tell you right now, this isn’t a date.”
If I was to decide or label this night as something, I would label it as me clinging to the one chance I have at being with him. Hell, might as well just bring it to him.
I leaned in and made sure to lower my voice. “I see this night ending in a cheap motel somewhere, with you and I finishing what you started all those years ago.” I made sure to keep my tone in check, and it didn’t waver once. My emotion also stayed out of my eyes.
He blinked, then blinked and looked speechless.
“That sound ok, Reaper?” I raised an eyebrow and sneered at him from across the table.
Finally, that taunting smirk of his graced his lips. “It sounds like we are skipping dessert.”
I laughed and shook my head. With flushed cheeks, I looked back down at the menu. My stomach flipped and flopped, but my mind was set on the idea, and I wasn’t backing down.
I was nervous. Never been this nervous. I always held a gun with a steady hand when I was about to take a man’s life and always made decisions with a clear mind. But when it came to Abby, my mind was fucked.
Failing to work.
It hadn’t been working since she said the words ‘finish what we started.’ You don’t say that to a man. Especially not me. I never left things unfinished. Abby was different. I never considered us to have unfinished business.
I just considered myself an idiot for having feelings for a woman completely out of my reach. Hell, this was the first time ever I felt something for someone. Of all people, it just had to be her.