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Reaper's Rival: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 2 Page 31

  “Like I said, I’m not going to. Just trying to give you some female input, seeing as you are going to lose yours.” I turned on my heels. “Good luck tomorrow. That is, if Abby shows up.”

  Chapter 47


  I was blocked in, and I was pissed off about it, too. How many times had I told the boys not to block me in? I guess there were extra people here for the wedding. Still, I was angry. Dad wasn’t answering his phone, and if I knew him well enough, he would be at the Sharks Pub.

  His bike wasn’t here, and he wasn’t in the garage, so it was the only other place he could be. I was scanning the cars looking for one that was unlocked when I came to Reaper’s bike. It was a bad idea. But the keys were in it. Who would be stupid enough to steal the President’s bike?

  My hands ran over the chrome handlebars. It was a really bad idea.

  Reaper loved his bike nearly as much as he is meant to love me. I threw my leg over and kicked the bike to life.

  What was the worst that could happen?



  It was one bullet. It shouldn’t be a big deal. I threw back my beer and slammed the glass down. It was simple. Find Jacobs. Kill Jacobs. If it was that simple, why the fuck was I like this? I’d killed men before. For fuck’s sake. I’d killed his wife.

  But still, robbing this man of life bothered me. Even though he threatened Abby. Even though right now there was a hit on my future wife’s head because of him. I reached out for the bottle and filled my glass up.

  I was a wreck and the more I pushed Abby away from this mess, the closer she wanted to get.

  “Hey, Reaper.”

  Couldn’t I drink in peace?

  “Yeah, Jax?”

  Jax sucked on a cigarette and blew out a mouth full of smoke. By the look on his face, that wasn’t a normal cigarette. Figured he would be on the weed as soon as everything chilled.

  “Just saw Abby get on the back of your Harley and take off.”

  “What? Who was riding it?”

  He cracked a smirk. “Her.”

  My face dropped of expression. “You’re fucking kidding me.”

  He whacked me on the back. “Brother, you really need to learn what your girl is like. Fuck, Amber takes my bike all the time.”

  My temper was rising as I patted myself down for the keys. Must have fucking left them in it. “Yeah well, that’s different,” I dryly answered.

  “How so?”

  “Amber can fucking ride. Abby can’t. BRAD!” I was moving through the room toward him. Jax might think it’s funny, but it bloody well wasn’t. She could kill herself on that bike. “BRAD!”

  “Yeah?” Brad pulled himself away from the pool table.

  “I need the keys for the truck.”

  A frown appeared on his face. “I’ve got the keys, but you aren’t going to be able to get out. It’s parked at the back.”


  “Keys for your bike then?”

  “What is this all about? Why don’t you just take your own bike?” Brad leaned on the cue stick.

  “Abby took it.” My temper was starting to get out of control. The woman sure knew how to raise my blood pressure.

  His eyebrows shot up. “And now what? Are you going to track her down on it? Abby wouldn’t want you riding around looking for her.”

  “I don’t give a toss what she would want. She shouldn’t be on my fucking bike, so hand me the keys.”

  “Ok, but have you at least attempted to call her to see where she is? She could be anywhere.”

  “She will be with her father.”

  “Well, there you go. You know she is in safe hands.”

  “Give me the fucking keys.”

  “Call her.”


  “Come on brother, be reasonable.”

  “I am fucking reasonable! My girl is on my bike and is fucking carrying my child! I have to get to her before she does something stupid.”

  Brad sighed and handed me the keys. “Just call her.”

  I had already turned my back and went to leave as he said it. Yeah, I could call her, but I know her, and she would be dodging my calls. The parking lot was full. Fuck, with the wedding tomorrow, news had traveled. If I didn’t track Abby down and get her off my bike, there might not be a wedding.


  I pushed open the double doors to the Sharks Pub and like always, it was dimly lit. I scanned the room and then I found him, sitting in a booth by himself.

  “So do you want to tell me why you're letting my dickhead of a boyfriend run your club?” My hands were on my hip, and I was direct.

  Dad looked up from his empty glass and sighed. “Getting too old for drama.”

  “Come on, Dad, this isn’t like you. What does Reaper have over you for you to take a back seat in this?”

  My whole life, I knew my dad as two things, strong and direct. He didn’t let anyone push him around, and he sure as fuck didn’t let anyone run his club. He was the boss, and that was just how it was.

  Dad laughed dryly. “Easy answer there, sweetheart. You.”

  “Me?” My eyebrows shot up. “How?”

  “This kid that has you on the hit list. I’m too old to be chasing him down. Reaper made some good points.”

  “He is stubborn, and never in my life have I heard him make a good point. His points always have a reason behind them.”

  “And this time, that reason made sense.”

  “What is it then?”

  Dad looked me squarely in the eye. “Who would look after you and the kid if something happened to him? He admits it is a suicide mission, and me being on it just buys a ticket to my early death. And then we have to think about you. You still need a father. So I’ll give up my club any day if it means I’m still here for you.”

  Why was everyone so sure they wouldn’t come back from this? Did they all know something I didn’t? Wouldn’t surprise me if they did. Kade kept me in the dark about a lot of things, for my safety of course.

  “Well, they're done now. Come back to the club with me.”

  I couldn’t be angry with Dad for not wanting to leave me. But I could be angry with Reaper for putting us all in this situation.

  “Yeah, I should head back in.” Dad staggered up. “Might call a taxi, though.”

  “Yeah, I should most likely catch one with you.”

  Dad frowned. “Why? How did you get here?”

  “Um well, I kind of. Well, not kind of. I did. Well, I took Reaper’s bike.” I looked down at the ground.

  “ABBY! Are you fucking stupid?”

  I cringed. This was nothing compared to what I was going to cop off Reaper.

  “I know.”

  “Stupid girl.” Dad held the bar doors for me. “Reaper’s going to be on a fucking warpath.”

  “He might not know.” God, I was hoping.

  Dad gave me a serious expression. “He’ll know, and he will be looking for you. You better call him.”

  “Do I have to?” I groaned.

  “Yes, and while you do that, I’ll call for Brad to come collect our bikes.”

  We were outside now in the fresh air standing at the bikes. I had gotten here in one piece. I wasn’t that much of a bad rider. Hell, Kim can do it.

  I pulled my phone out of my pocket and scrolled down to his number. I really didn’t want to do this.


  So Brad and a prospect picked up the bikes and a taxi picked us up. I called Reaper, and to my surprise, he wasn’t angry. In fact, he was very calm. Which scared the shit out of me.

  When we got back to the clubhouse, the party was still going strong, and Dad had been taken by members as soon as we got in.

  I, on the other hand, had the pleasure of going to see Reaper. I couldn’t spot him in the sea of people, so I took this opportunity and headed for our bedroom.

  If I could avoid him, I would.

  I walked down the hallway past all the other members’ rooms. Finall
y took the stairs and there I was at my room. I opened the door and flicked on the lights.

  “FOR FUCK’S SAKE!” I screamed and held my chest.

  Reaper was leaning against the window ledge, smoking in the dark.

  “You could have turned on a light, you know!” I yelled at him then closed the door. “Fine, get it over with. Yell at me. Tell me how stupid I am for taking your bike. Go on. Do it.”

  He inhaled the cigarette and then exhaled a puff of smoke. “You ok?” he finally said.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I frowned at him from across the room.

  “Then I got nothing to say.” He butted the cigarette out and then crossed his arms.

  “Really? Nothing?” I was completely stunned. Where was the control freak of a fiancé I was marrying tomorrow?

  “You were with your dad. If I hadn’t made him leave, you wouldn’t have chased him. Therefore you wouldn’t have taken my bike. So really, when you think about it, I’m as much to blame as you.”

  This wasn’t Reaper. Reaper was never calm, nor was he reasonable.

  “Right.” I just stared blankly at him.

  He walked across the room and stopped in front of me. “I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “What? Are you not staying here tonight?”



  “It’s bad luck.”

  “Come on, Kade. We skipped that step when you knocked me up.” I smirked at him. “What’s on your mind?”

  “I’d tell you, but you will just get mad. So I’ll tell you something else.” He grabbed my hand and linked his fingers in with mine. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll be the dickhead at the end.”

  He was up to something. Should I press him for more?

  I sighed “And I’ll be the dickhead in black. You might not realize it's me once Kim is done with me.” I swear she was more into makeup than anything else.

  He smirked. “I’ll always pick you out, Abby. You’re my girl.” He kissed me on the forehead.

  “Night, Kade,” I said, and he let go of my hand and walked to the door.

  What was he up to?

  Wasn’t till the door closed that I realized I'd be by myself for the night. I fell backward onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. Our future was so unsure, but I knew one thing, and that one thing kept me going. I loved him.

  Chapter 48


  Fear was creeping through me, wrapping around every blood vessel, causing me to panic. My whole body felt like it was shaking as I stepped into the wedding dress. Kim pulled it up. The strapless, short black dress made of silk was beautiful. It had sparkles lining the top half of my breasts. Kim had excellent taste.

  My makeup had been done earlier this morning by Kim. My hair, which was curled and hanging low and free, was done by one of Kim’s friends. I looked in the mirror, and I could honestly say I didn’t look like me. I looked like something you would see in a magazine. Not something you would be expecting at a biker’s wedding. After all, on the weddings I had attended for bikers, the girls normally weren’t wearing much, and the biker normally didn’t love them. Well, as far as I knew anyway.

  Reaper’s and my love was strong and fearless. We had faced disaster after disaster and came out fighting. Now we were going to be facing our next challenges as a married couple. I gulped. And possibly parents, if everything went smoothly.

  In this very moment as I stared at myself in the mirror, I wondered what Kade was doing. If he was as nervous as me.

  It was stupid. He loved me. I loved him. This clearly was the next step. My heart fluttered as I looked across the room. On the nightstand were two rings. Our wedding rings. Taking a shaky breath, I ran a hand through my hair. I could do this.

  “You ok, Abby?”

  I looked at Kim. “Yep.”

  She gave me a stern look. “Looks like you’re freaking out.”

  I took a calming breath in. “Not at all.” A smile graced my lips. “Just can’t believe I’m about to do this. I swore I would never marry a biker.”

  Kim smiled at me and handed me twelve long-stemmed roses. “He’s no biker. He’s your soldier.”

  My eyes widened, and she was dead right. Reaper might be a biker, but when it came to me, he was my soldier. My every worry just eased knowing I was sharing it with him. He would always put me first. Even now, as of tomorrow when he rides out, he will be riding out because of me. Because I was in danger. Because he loved me.

  Suddenly I wasn’t feeling that nervous. I was filled with happiness and ready to make the next move in our relationship. Marriage. Who knew it would happen to me?


  The lot had been cleared of bikes and cars. Instead, white chairs were placed on each side, with a clear path down the middle leading to an arch that was decorated with roses and ribbons. It created a picture you would see in a magazine. Not what you would see at a biker’s clubhouse.

  Then again, the guests that filled the chairs weren’t wearing suits. Instead, their leathers had been cleaned, and they had maybe had a shower this morning. The girls with them were wearing their best dress and had makeup to match.

  I glanced up at Dad and held on tighter to his arm.

  “Didn’t ever picture doing this,” he muttered under his breath and met my eye. “You alright, darling?”

  “Yeah, Dad. I’m fine.” I leaned up on my high heels and whispered in his ear. “Please don’t let me trip.” I was deadly serious.

  The music started to play, and my eyes were drawn up the path. He was standing at the end next to Brad. His leathers were clean, no road dirt. He didn’t have a cigarette or beer in hand. He was standing proud to his full height. His broad shoulders only defined his presence more. He looked bigger, tougher, and fitter than Brad. In fact, he looked like a Greek god and when his eyes met mine, it wasn’t my feet leading me to him. I was floating to him, his eyes pulling me toward him.

  My hands left Dad’s arm, and my hand slipped into his extended hand. It felt like home. He pulled me in. His fingers locked with mine while his other hand ran down my spine and he pulled me in closer.

  It was the preacher clearing his voice that made us part a bit. Just a tiny bit. But it was the blooming grin that filled his face that had me smiling.

  Reaper, true to his character, ignored the preacher.

  “You ok?” he whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

  Was I ok? I was far from it. I didn’t know it was possible to be this happy in one moment. I nodded my head. “You?”

  His smirk was foolish and made my heart beat faster. “Yeah, baby. We’re good.” His hand left my back, and the back of his knuckles ran down my cheek. “Let’s get this done so I can have you back in my bed.” His voice was husky and deep. “You shouldn’t be wearing something so fucking hot.”

  He was so direct and straight to the point, not holding back his desire. I cracked a smirk. “Yeah well, you look pretty damn handsome yourself.”

  He cupped my cheek and slowly pulled my head closer to his. The kiss was going to happen. Fuck, a blind man could see it. But seeing as a blind man could see it coming, so could my father.

  “You aren’t fucking married yet,” Dad roared out from the front row, causing many to burst out laughing.

  Tearing my eyes off Kade, I gave Dad a pointed glare. Sighing. I took a step away from Kade, and the preacher started welcoming everyone.


  Reaper slid the ring on my finger. “With this ring, I promise to love you unconditionally, to always be by your side and to protect you from any harm.” His words were strong, and he held my eyes. Towering over me, this powerful man was promising to be with me? To love me? To protect me? I didn’t deserve his love.

  I took a steady breath in and let go of Reaper’s hand only to take the ring off Kim. Then sliding it onto Reaper’s finger, I said my vows. “With this ring, I promise to always put your needs above my own. To love you until the day I die. To be with you in sickness and
in health.”

  The preacher cleared his voice. “With those words said, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

  My heart quickened as I watched the corner of Reaper’s lips twitch into an evil and mischievous smirk. In one fluid movement, Reaper grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up in the air, holding onto me, his lips landing on mine. With passion, he claimed my lips just as he claimed my heart. My fingers ran through his hair until I was gripping the back of his neck.

  His moist lips moved against mine, deepening the kiss. I had forgotten about the crowd. Forgotten I was in front of my father. I just wanted to rip his clothes off and have him here, right now, at this moment. My legs wrapped around his waist and my hands ran down his muscled tight arms as he held me. His tongue ran across my bottom lip as if asking permission. I opened my mouth just the slightest, and immediately he took advantage of it. His tongue danced with mine. Exploring. My dress crawled up my thighs as he balanced me with one hand and the other ran down my thigh, pushing the fabric up, till his hand was firmly under my dress. I moved forward on his groin, and he groaned in my mouth. I needed him right now, and I was starting to think he needed me just as much.

  He withdrew from the kiss and with our foreheads touching, he said, “Fuck Abby, you’re killing me here.” It was just above a whisper; we were so close. Suddenly everyone cheered and clapped, causing my cheeks to heat. Yep, I had just done that in front of everyone. “Think we’ve given them enough of a show.” Reaper winked at me, and I unlinked my legs from behind him and he lowered me to the ground. He clearly wasn’t embarrassed or simply just didn’t a fuck. I, however, couldn’t look in my father’s direction. Instead, I looked to the other side. I saw Amber standing there next to Jax and her brothers, smirking at me and clapping.

  Right, the reception.

  Kim leaned into my ear. “You totally forgot you were in front of people, didn’t you?”

  I gave her an annoyed look before Reaper took my hand and redirected my attention. I really didn’t feel like sharing any more moments in front of these people, but they had all came for the show and the booze up that followed. After all, it gave them all a reason to start drinking before mid-day. I, however, just wanted to take what Reaper and I started to bed or an empty room; at this point, I was desperate.