Reaper's Redemption: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 3 Page 21
“It is. ’Cause you could have told me at the start. You made me nearly beat you to death. And gave him longer with her.”
Billy spat out a mouthful of blood. “Well, nothing is stopping you now.”
He was right. Nothing was stopping me. I had an address. “I’ll be back if she isn’t there.” I turned and walked out. Brad was on the phone calling for the boys to meet us there. I was going into this guns blazing with as many men behind me as possible. I wasn’t letting Jake slip from my grasp again.
“Roach, if we get there and she is there, you are in charge of getting her out.” I mounted my bike.
“That man took my daughter. No way I’m walking out without letting him have it.” Roach stomped on his cigarette, looking like the demon he was known to be.
“Trust me. He will get a slow death.” And I didn’t want Abby there to see that side of me. Because what I was planning on doing to him would scare anyone away.
Chapter 23
Pure, red panic filled me. This couldn’t be happening. I looked at Jake, not believing him when he said we were leaving tomorrow.
Time, I needed more time.
“What’s the rush?” I staggered out, my hands shaking as I gripped the knife. “Surely we don’t have to leave right away.”
“We’re leaving tomorrow, Abby. You can’t talk me out of it.”
“And what has you thinking I won’t bolt as soon as you open that door?”
He gave me a challenging smirk, stepping into the kitchen. “Because I’m knocking you out. It’s called a private plane, sweetheart. No one will care if you are passed out for the whole trip. Then once we are settled into the new place and you’re locked up again, I’ll let you come to.”
“You’re a monster!” I gripped the knife tighter, my hands no longer shaking. I was consumed with anger, and I realized right then nothing was stopping me from doing what I wanted. Hell, I might be stuck here if I killed him. But the only other option I was being offered was a long, slow life with him. So I lunged for him.
But he must have been expecting it because he caught my hand before I could stab him in the chest.
“Come on, darling, I thought we were past this.” He laughed mockingly. “You don’t want your new husband dead, do you?”
“Reaper is my husband.” I pulled my hand away, out of his grip, the knife falling to the floor. “And always will be.” No matter what he said. No matter how many times he forced himself on me.
I was still Reaper’s. His name was tattooed on my shoulder and he was the man I thought about every night.
Nothing Jake did or said could stop me from loving Reaper.
Jake opened his mouth to speak, but something on the security cameras caught his eye. He frowned, walking around me to the screen.
“I’m not expecting anyone,” he muttered. I really didn’t care if it was Billy or Andrew or both of them. Most likely a night game of poker was in order.
It was only when I noticed Jake’s eyes widen and saw terror slowly creep across his face that I looked at the cameras.
It couldn’t be. Could it be?
My hope skyrocketed as the gates opened and I saw the flashes of motorbikes. Kade. It was Kade. He’d found me.
Jake darted around me. No way was I letting him run. I quickly followed him, hearing the roaring of the motorbikes up the driveway. He wouldn’t make it out the front door. So I was quick to block the back sliding doors.
I had attempted to get out of these doors so many times that I knew if you entered the wrong number three times, they would automatically lock for ten minutes. So I was typing in number after number. Just as Jake pushed me out of the way, it started flashing red.
“Fuck!” Jake was trying to override it.
But I knew his locking system well. No way he could override that without a key. It was when he reached into his pocket that I started to panic.
Just when I thought I’d have to get creative, the security light came on outside. Never in my life had I been so happy to see bikers. They were surrounding the house.
Reaper hadn’t come here alone. Thank fuck for that. That meant there was a higher chance of me getting out of here alive.
“Looks like you are out of luck, Jake.” I took a shaky breath in, not believing it was happening.
Jake cursed and then started to run to the garage but the front door busted open. And there he was. My purpose. My reason. Looking more furious than I had ever seen him, his shirt and vest covered in blood. It was like all the horrible moments that led to this one made this moment even sweeter. I didn’t think it through. I didn’t even care that his focus would be on Jake. I ran straight to him.
He caught me with ease. Was it possible he had put on even more muscle? He was bigger. My arms wrapped around his neck. It felt like home and I was suffocated immediately by a scent that I had sworn I would never get a hint of again.
“Abby, you alright?” He held me up with one arm while his hand cupped my face. The concern in his eyes told me he really wanted to know. But he was looking at me like he couldn’t believe his luck.
Brad, Dad, Cameron and other members I didn’t know but who all wore president patches had Jake surrounded.
I took a steady breath in. “I am now.” I still couldn’t believe it was happening. Moments ago, I was panicking about spending the rest of my life with Jake and now, now Kade was holding me. How had he gotten here just in time? “I didn’t think you were going to make it.” My fear surfaced. “I thought I was going to be with him for the rest of my life.”
“I wouldn’t have let that happen.” He looked me in the eyes. And as they locked with mine, I knew every promise he had ever made about finding me and never giving up on me was true. “I’m here now.” Reaper eased me down, looking torn as he put me back on the ground. “Now you have to go.” He cupped my face, looking like he was half a second away from kissing me. “Your old man is taking you home and I’ll be there as soon as I finish.”
I gulped. Right. Of course, he didn’t want me here for this bit. Hell, I didn’t want to be here for this bit.
Dad put a hand on my back. “Come on, little one.”
Reaper was walking toward Jake when my hand shot out and gripped his.
“Make it slow, Reaper.” I didn’t feel one bit guilty making this request. All those times Jake had beaten me. But I would still take being beaten over the rapes. But I wasn’t about to tell Reaper Jake had raped me.
Reaper held my eyes for a few moments before nodding his head. That was all I needed to know. I didn’t need to know the details of what was about to happen to Jake. I didn’t care. And to be honest, it would be nothing compared to what he had put me through.
I just hoped that it came close to the pain I’d felt, the pain of being ripped from your family. To be raped. To be beaten. To be told you will never see the ones you love again. Yeah, I hoped Jake suffered.
Dad guided me outside and the fresh air smacked me hard and fast in the face. How long had it been since I was in fresh air? I inhaled it deeply and followed Dad to his bike.
“You alright, sweetheart?” Dad gripped my hand. “You are shaking.”
“I’m just cold,” I lied. I think I was in shock. Yep. Shock. It had to be that. My heart pumped so fast I felt like I’d just gotten off a roller coaster. I was too scared to close my eyes longer than half a second because if this was a dream, I didn’t want to wake up.
It felt real. It had to be real, right? Maybe Jake had killed me and this was simply what my heaven was like. Because coming to terms with the fact Reaper had found me, got me out and saved my life, well, that was much harder to believe.
I followed Dad, wide-eyed, still in what I was assuming was shock, into the clubhouse. The familiar smell was welcoming as soon as the door opened. It smelt like home.
“Did it work? Was it the right place?” Kim started spraying questions at Dad.
faint smile traced my lips hearing her. She was as demanding as ever. God, I had missed my twin. Even her annoying traits I had missed, like her lack of boundaries. How many times had she just walked into the bathroom when I was taking a shower? She always made a point of borrowing my clothes but never returning them. Or if she did, they would be dirty. I swear she was allergic to the washing machine.
I had missed the way she always kept me on my toes. She was the one person who, no matter what happened, could read me. I couldn’t keep a secret from her and even when I tried, I usually failed. Which is why I would have to put on a harder front when she brought up the subject of Jake. ’Cause I knew she was going to. She didn’t avoid subjects. Hell, she never avoided anything. She just faced things. So I knew as soon as she could, she would be peppering me with questions. And there was no way I would ever tell her or Reaper or any other living, breathing soul that Jake raped me.
I thought Dad was going to answer but before he had time to, I stepped out of his shadow.
“ABBY!” She was across the room and wrapping her arms around me within a second. Her familiar perfume was welcoming. Another thing we always shared, and she would steal, was perfume. I wonder if anyone picked up on the fact Kim and I shared perfume?
“Hey, Kim.” My voice cracked but I hadn’t gone through everything I had gone through to cry now. I hugged her back. It felt so weird to be touched after someone having forced himself on me. But at the same time, I had really missed her and I wanted her to hug me.
Maybe just for a second I could pretend like I was OK, just having her here, hugging me now. It gave me a dose of courage to put up a front.
Kim pulled back, tears running down her cheeks. I might have been putting on a front, but her emotions were clear on her face. “I never thought I’d see you again.” She pulled me back in, hugging me tighter. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you.” She pulled back, tears running freely down her face.
I started wiping her tears away. I think the last time I saw her crying like this was when Mom died. Yeah. It was. And seeing her teared-up face was bringing back memories I really didn’t have the courage to face. No matter how much courage her touch was giving me.
I kept wiping her tears away. “Stop crying.”
“Why aren’t you?” She looked at me, shaking her head. Her hair was dark and shorter. I had never seen Kim go dark before, unless you count the time I dyed her hair red. But still, then it wasn’t dark. It was bright. “Seriously, why aren’t you a mess right now?” Her questions started while she wiped away more tears.
“I think I’m dreaming.” I was honest and she read my expression. I was serious. And when she realized I was, she was automatically pissed off. “OUCH!” I snapped at her. She just pinched me!
She looked at me mockingly. “Still think you are dreaming?”
“Yes, because that is something only you would do!”
One of Dad’s hands fell on my shoulder and his other on Kim’s. “Finally, my girls back together.” He pulled us to him. “Never thought I’d miss you two fighting, but I have.” He sounded like he genuinely had. I couldn’t count how many times he yelled at us for fighting and now he was standing here saying he had missed it. A faint smile appeared on my lips.
“You’re going soft in your old age, Dad,” I said and didn’t pull away from him.
“Kim, get us some beers. I think Abby needs something to drink and she needs to see her son.” Dad let go of Kim. My heart started beating faster as soon as Dad said ‘she needs to see her son.’
I had dreamed about seeing Tyson again. Maybe I was dreaming?
“Come on, Abby.” Dad pulled me along.
But I wasn’t ready. So I stopped. “I don’t think I can.” I was frozen. I had only had a few short days with him. He wouldn’t remember me. I would be some stranger. And if I had to see that, that he felt completely uncomfortable around me, that would break the tough front I was putting up. Not crying would be impossible. I would flood this place with tears.
“Don’t be scared, little one. He is your son.” Dad stopped in front of me, lifting my head up, which dragged my eyes off the floor. He made me look him in the eye. “He has missed you.”
I wanted to laugh at that. Not in a funny way, but because it was a lie, a complete lie.
“He doesn’t know me.” I pulled my head from Dad’s grasp. About now the dream should end. I’ve realized the facts. Tyson doesn’t know me. I had missed the two most important months of his life. Nothing was going to give me back time. But who was I kidding? Jake was going to make sure I never saw Tyson again anyway.
This dream was becoming a nightmare very quickly.
“She still thinks she dreaming.” Kim appeared with beers, shoving one in my hand and handing one to Dad. “What do I have to say for you to believe me?”
“No way would it have been that simple. Jake would have seen that coming.” I was speaking more to myself than to them. “But he looked scared. Normally in my dreams he doesn’t look scared.”
“It’s ’cause you aren’t dreaming, Abby. That was real fear on that man’s face tonight.” Dad made a point of taking the cap off my beer. “Here, drink something. Maybe then you’ll realize you aren’t dreaming.”
“Also, you two aren’t normally in my dreams.” I looked between them, confused. Dad was looking at me with an understanding yet sad smile and Kim was frowning, like she was about to start crying again.
“He has really fucked you up, hasn’t he?” she said, looking at me as if I was someone else. Someone she didn’t know. Someone whose perfume she didn’t steal and whose clothes she didn’t borrow. Hell, she was looking at me like we had nothing in common at all.
What did it matter? This was just a dream. I was going to wake up lying beside Jake and possibly flying overseas. I pinched my eyes shut.
Just wake up, Abby.
This was worse than a nightmare because it felt real but, at the same time, so far from possible.
Wake up!
I opened my eyes. “I’m so confused. Did Jake give me those sleeping pills again? ’Cause that would explain this dream.” Again, I was speaking to myself.
“Maybe when Reaper gets here, she will start making sense,” Kim said to Dad. And I saw a tear slide down her cheek that she was quick to wipe away. “Must have killed you to leave, Dad.” Kim smiled grimly at Dad.
“Losing your mother and leaving that man breathing are the two hardest things I have ever faced.” Dad took a gulp from his beer. Why was he looking so upset?
I opened my mouth to say something, but a cry stopped me. It wasn’t an unhappy cry. It was a ‘you’ve forgotten about me’ cry. How did I know the difference? I had never been around a baby before. How could I tell the difference?
I must have imagined it because neither Kim nor Dad moved.
Then I heard it again.
“OK, what is that noise?” I said to them.
They both looked at me, half-shocked. Was it a stupid question? Maybe this was the part of the dream where I was imagining sounds or something?
“It’s your son.” Kim smiled at me. “Still think you are dreaming?”
Suddenly, my fear of seeing him was gone. I had to see him. Because it was like he held the key. He would be just like I imagined him, small and so fucking perfect.
I put my beer on the table and walked past the pool tables and down the few stairs to one of the living rooms. There was a crib in front one of the couches, right in front of the television. The television was playing some children’s show I didn’t know.
Guess when it did come to children’s television shows I wasn’t an expert. I didn’t have much knowledge.
I kneeled in front of the crib.
He was smiling at me. I looked at him, completely stunned. His eyes were the same, but he was longer, his face more full, his hair darker. It was identical to Kade’s.
My fingers went through the gap in the crib and I
touched his face. My mouth dropped open. Was he real? No way could I imagine the softness of his skin. Could I? It wasn’t possible for my mind to come up with what he looked like now.
He was kicking his legs. I put my finger in his outstretched hand. When his hand wrapped around my finger, I swear it took all my willpower not to cry.
I had come in the back entrance. I didn’t want Abby seeing me covered in his blood. I had showered and changed. I was ready, ready to see her. Fuck. It had killed me to let her go. But it had to be done.
I jogged down the stairs. I was finally going to be able to hold her again, finally getting to touch her. I was so nervous about seeing her that my hands were shaking. It was stupid. I knew that. But it didn’t stop my body from going into a fit about seeing her.
“Where is she?” I asked Kim when I got down the stairs. She was smoking at one of the tables. I didn’t know it was possible to be this anxious about seeing someone. But this wasn’t just anyone. This was my wife. The love of my life. The mother to my child. The woman who had been ripped away from my life for months.
“In the living room. She hasn’t moved from the crib in, I’d say, over four hours. She’s not talking, either.” Kim took a sip from her beer. “Don’t be surprised if she ignores you. It’s like she is in her own world. She swore she was dreaming till she laid eyes on Tyson.”
I nodded my head. I expected her to be in shock. Hell, I could handle her being in shock. What I couldn’t handle was her gone.
I nervously walked through the clubhouse till I was at the stairs going down to the living room. And there she was, sitting on the floor, her legs tucked under her. I suddenly forgot how to move.
Be a man, Kade.
As I got closer, I noticed Tyson had his hand wrapped around her finger and he was asleep.
She didn’t move. She didn’t turn her head. She didn’t even acknowledge me. I stood behind her. Kim had said that Abby wasn’t talking.
What did I do?
I didn’t know exactly how to handle someone in shock. But this was Abby. I knew her. I knew her right down to the small details. So maybe her not talking was her being overwhelmed. She had just gone from being one-on-one with someone to seeing everyone she knew.